Browning- Home- Thoughts, from Abroad Flashcards
Oh, to be in England
Boulomaic modality expressing desire, intensified by caesura creating separation
Sense of longing conveyed
Now that April’s here
Temporal dexis immerses reader by creating sense of prescence, foregrounds readers
In England - now!
Temporal deixis combined with exclamatory and caesura creates sense of immediacy and eagerness
Emphasises distance from England and homesickness
And after April, when May follows
Verb ‘follows’ convey easy sense of time
Temporal proper nouns highlight timespan
Connotations of spring, rebirth, freshness
The first fine careless rapture!
Religious imagery gives heavenly quality to reflect phycial distance
Fricatives creates soft, relaxed sound
All will be gay when noontide wakes anew
Strong epistemic modality shows certainty of England’s superiority
-Far brighter than this gaudy melon-flower!
Metonym for Italy creates unflattering image and juxtaposes England
Emphasises longing
Trochaic tetrameter is unregular, feels incomplete
Emphasises incompletion by not being in England