Pump and Treat
Common for addressing groundwater concerns. Contaminate water is removed from soil, and then treated disposed of
Increases impermeability of soil by adding cement to soil. Soil can also be heated or melted to increase impermeability (Expensive option)
Removal of Material
Least Common and most expensive option, the landowner maintains liability for the landfill
Removes water and changes soil chemically to reduce permeability and reduce the transportation of contaminant by percolation
Soil Vapor Extraction
Vacuum pressure to remove VOC’s from soil through the use of vapor extraction wells dug into the solid. Containments are volatized and flushed into the air for treatment
Air Sparging
Injecting of air into groundwater to flush out volatile containments, which are collected and treated by the soil vapor extraction
Controlled burning of soil or solids to convert, degrade or oxidize contaminents
microorganisms from plant matter are used to degrade hazardous organic compounds
a specific form of bioremediation inch which selected plants consume or break down contaminents in soil, sediments or water
Other terms for this: “phytoextraction” or “phytodegradation”
Soil Washing
water is used to flush out contaminants. This may involve removing soils and using mechanical agitation to clean the soil thoroughly
a specific form of bioremediation inch which selected plants consume or break down contaminants in soil, sediments or water
Other terms for this: “phytoextraction” or “phytodegradation”
Soil Washing
water is used to flush out contaminants. This may involve removing soils and using mechanical agitation to clean the soil thoroughly
Solvent Extraction
similar method to soil washing, but solvents are used to remove contaminants in lieu of water
chemical treatment to remove chlorine atoms bonded to hazardous chemical. Hydrogen or hydroxide ions are used to detoxify soil material
Passive Treatment Wells
Barriers are constructed of reactive materials and installed in an aquifer to promote a chemical reaction between the barrier and a contaminant in the groundwater
Capped Sites
Caps are constructed of impermeable geotextiles
Helps isolate excavations by lining them to prevent contamination