Bronchoscope (mod8) Flashcards
Purpose of Bronchoscope
Used to view airways and check for abnormalities
- Know if its diagnostic and therapeutic and what the difference is and what you would do differently ***
- Visualization
- Collect samples (washout, biopsies)
Rigid tube bronchoscopies?
Used for removal of foreign bodies
- need anesthesiogist present
- Target SpO2 <90%
Is sedation needed for bronchscopies?
On spontaneously breathing (like a conscious sedation w/LOTS of numbing) or on fully sedated patient
Indications for Bronchoscopy?
- Diagnostics
- Therapeutics – trying to fix issues with pt (FBA, A/w dilation
– for stenosis, instill for thick secretions, bronchial toiletting, another method to intubate pt – for v difficult a/w – keep awake as long as possible, numb as much as possible and then intubate while awake)
- Fiberoptic intubation – Thread the ett, go down nose or mouth with bronch, visual vocal cords, push bronch through the vocal cords, and then thread the ett through
Microbiology – through washout
Therapeutic indications for bronchoscopy
- could include intubation, but this cards not focused on that.
- Airway dilation
- Atelectasis
- Endotracheal intubation
- Foreign body aspiration
- Instillation of med
- Laser therapy
Diagnostic Bronchoscopy indications
For diagnostic purposes, persistent or recurrent respiratory symptoms are the most common indication for flexible bronchoscopy.
- These symptoms may include stridor, an abnormal voice, wheeze, cough, and recurrent or persistent abnormalities on chest radiography.
Contraindications for Bronchoscopy
Absolute contraindications include the following; relative in image
- Cardiovascular instability
- Inability to oxygenate
- uncontrolled coagulopathy or bleeding
- when risks outweigh benefits
Why could bronchoscopy patients be difficult to bag?
Hard to bag bc of increase of resistance from the tub.
- bronch can also cause bleeding and cause vasoconstriction if patient has uncontrolled disorders like asthma.
What should be done if patient is inadequately oxygenated and they start desatting?
Take off vent and bag while going down bronch.
- Huge amount of resistance
Bronchoscopy considerations
Bronchoscopy can cause hypoxemia due to occlusion, hypoventilation, and sedation.
- monitor SpO2 and Cardiac status during the procedure
- provide assisted O2 therapy
- Prepare to assist with ventilatory support by bag and mask, followed by intubation
- Bronch may have to be removed to bag. terminate if it happens too often
Equipment needed for bronchoscopy
- Bronchscope
- Light source/processor/monitor
- sterile water soluble lube
- 4cm by 4cm gauze pad (for the lube to be used and gripped by main operator)
- sterile basin/container
- non-bacteriostatic normal saline
- swivel connector
- 2x60 ml syringe
- suction connective tubing/source
- specimen transport bags (and pen)
- patient labels
- waterproof tape
Patient monitoring needed for bronchoscopy
- Pulse ox
- O2 and related delivery equipment
- Sphygmomanometer
- suction and supplies
- resuscitation equipment
- 1x80 ml specimen trap if BAL
Is bronchoscopy a clean or sterile procedure?
Bronch always maintain sterility (Sealed and keep sterile as possible until procedure done)
- Assembly and operation – depends on facility
- Alligator clamps to take piece of a/w to biopsy
- Needles to stab into things like lymph node to take sample
Medications for Bronchoscopy?
What does tachycardia and hypertension indicate during a bronchoscopy?
Patient is stressed, might need more sedation