Bronchiectasis Flashcards
What is bronchiectasis?
Abnormal dilation of bronchi due to destruction of elastic and muscular components of bronchial wall. Thickening of bronchi also occurs.
Often consequence of recurrent and/ severe infections or secondary to underlying dis.
Pathophysiology of bronchiectasis?
Chronic inflamm due to pathogens in airways→ bronchial wall oedema and increased mucus prod.
Inflamm cells (inclu neutrophils, T lymphocytes, etc) recruited to airways→ release inflamm cytokines, proteases, and reactive oxygen mediators→ progressive destruction of airways.
Primary causes of bronchiectasis? (Aetiology)
Infection (TB, bacterial pneumonia; childhood viral RT infections inclu measles, influenza, etc)
Immunodeficiency (immunoglobulin def, HIV)
Chronic aspiration (i.e: GORD)
Chronic inflamm
Secondary causes of bronchiectasis? (Aetiology)
Underlying lung cond (asthma, COPD, etc)
Connective tissue disorder (RA, etc)
Congenital dis (CF, primary ciliary dyskinesia)
Kartagener’s triad for primary ciliary dyskinesia?
Situs inversus, bronchiectasis and chronic sinusitis
Signs and symptoms of bronchiectasis?
Cough w sputum (green; brown)
Crackles and high-pitched inspiratory squeaks
Fever (esp w acute exacerbation)
Finger clubbing
Fatigue, haemoptysis, rhinosinusitis, weight loss
Investigations for bronchiectasis?
Obs and bloods
- FBC: WCC determine if infection/ exacerbation. If eosinophils elevated→ possible underlying allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
High resolution CT: cross-section→ bronchi larger than adjacent pulmonary artery (signet ring sign)
Sputum culture and sensitivity: bacterial and fungi cultures recommended for all patients
CXR: non-specific and non-diagnostic but may show obscured hemidiaphragm/ thin-walled ring shadows/ tram lines/ opacities
Management for initial presentation of bronchiectasis?
All conservative
- Improved nutrition and exercise
- Smoking cessation
- Chest physio/ “Airway clearance therapy”
Management for acute exacerbations of bronchiectasis?
Ciprofloxacin/ other ABs
Flare-up prophylaxis for bronchiectasis? (Management)
- Azithromycin
- Vaccinations
Potential complications of bronchiectasis?
- Recurrent infections
- Cor pulmonale