Brona gramatika Flashcards
Čo to dievča s tým mobilom robí?
What is the girl doing with that cell phone?
Prepáčte, hľadám poštu.
Excuse me, I’m looking for a post-office.
Zlepšuje sa tvoja angličtina?
Is your English getting better?
Čo tvoja sestra zvyčajne robí?
What does your sister usually do?
Čo toto slovo znamená?
What does this word mean?
Čo si to čítaš?
What are you reading?
Ako často jazdíš na bicykli?
How often do you ride a bike?
Nemám tušenie.
I have no idea. / I don’t have a clue.
Broňa skutočne miluje cestovanie do zahraničia.
Broňa really loves going/travelling abroad.
Broňa vyzerá trochu zmätene:
Broňa seems to be a little confused. / Broňa seems a little confused.
Stále sa na niečo pýta
He is always asking about something! / He keeps asking about something!
Prosím, nerobte taký hluk. Snažím sa pracovať.
Please do not make so much noise. I am trying to work.
Na stole je kniha
There is a book on the desk/table.
Väčšinou varí mama, ale dnes je to otec
Usually, it’s my mum who cooks but today it’s my daddy.
Aký je najlepší spôsob naučiť sa anglicky?
What is the best way to learn English?