Brodmann Areas Flashcards
BA 4 Primary Motor area fxn
“Precentral gyrus”
Execution of motor function
Lesion of BA 4
BA 6: Premotor area fxn
“Secondary Motor area”
Refinement, initiation, modulation, coordination of movement
Lesion of BS 6
Spasticity, akinesia, incoordinaiton
BA 8: Frontal eye field fxn
conjugate eye movements
Lesion of BA 8
Frontal gaze palsy; head turning to lesion to compensate
BA 9, 10, 11, 12: Prefrontal areas
“seat of intelligence”
personality and behavior
BA 44 and 45: Broca’s Area fxn
“Motor Speech Area”
Location of BA 44 and 45
Third frontal convolusion
Lesion of BA 44 and 45
Broca’s aphasia
naming, fluency, repetition, writing
reading and auditory comprehension
Broca’s Aphasia other names?
Naming aphasia
Anterior aphasia
Motor aphasia
Expressive aphasia
BA 3, 1, 2: Primary sensory/somesthetic area fxn
“postcentral gyrus”
interprets pain and temperature
Lesion of BA 3, 1, 2?
BA 5 and 7: Secondary Sensory Area fxn
Interprets sensation other than pain and temperature (proprioception, kinesthesia, barognosis, 2 pt discrimination, vibration)
BA 39: Angular gyrus fxn
L and R orientation
Math ability
reading, naming, writing
Lesion of BA 39?
Gertsman syndrome
- impaired L and R discrimination
- finger agnosia
- agraphia s alexia
- acalculia
BA 40: Supramarginal gyrus
Assist with language processing and comprehension
Lesion in BA 40
Ideomotor apraxia
BA 43: Gustatory Area fxn
sense of taste
Lesion in BA 43?
Agnosia, ageusia
BA 17: Primary visual area
“Striate cortex”
sense of sight
Lesion in BA 17?
unilateral: C/L homonymous hemianopsia
bilateral: cortical blindness
BA 18 and 19: Secondary Visual area fxn
Interprets images perceived by BA 17
BA 18 and 19 lesion?
Visual agnosia (prosopagnosia), color agnosia (dyschromatopsia), Balint’s syndrome
Balint’s syndrome triad?
Optic ataxia
Oculomotor ataxia
BA 41 and 42: Primary auditory area
“Heschl’s Gyrus”
Interprets basic characteristics of sound (pitch and rhythm)
BA 41 and 42 lesion
unilateral: C/L deafness
bilateral: cortical deafness
BA 22 (R): Auditory association area
interprets sounds except language
BA 22 (L): Wernicke’s area
interprets language