Broad Consonants Flashcards
b ‘Bairbre, ‘bu’í
b^u English: but
p ‘Páidín
p^u English: put
d ‘Donncha
d^u tip of tongue against upper front teeth
t ‘Tomás
t^u tip of tongue against upper front teeth
g ‘gasúr, ‘gaoth
g^u somewhat more retracted than English: gum
k ‘Cáit, caoi
k^u somewhat more retracted than English: cut
ɣ ‘gh’asúr, ‘Dh’onncha, ‘gh’aoth
The organs of speech are in the same position as for the sound /x/, byt /ɣ/ is voiced.
w ‘Bh’airbre, ‘Mh’áire
English: won
s Sasana
English: suck
f ‘fós, ‘faoi, ‘Ph’áidín
English: fun
χ ‘Ch’áit ‘ch’aoi
Scottish English: loch
m ‘Máire
English: much
N ná ‘naoi
The sounds /N/ and /L/ are tenser than English n and l: to achieve this quality, raise the centre of the tongue towards the soft palate
L lá
The sounds /N/ and /L/ are tenser than English n and l: to achieve this quality, raise the centre of the tongue towards the soft palate
ŋ ‘ng’asúr, ‘ng’aoth
English: su’ng’
r ‘Ruairí
The sound /r/ is ‘flapped’, i.e. the tip of the tongue makes one tap against the back of the teeth-ridge, as in Scottish English: bar, Spanish: oro