British Literature Flashcards
Agatha Christie, Mary Westmacott
books: Murder on the orient Express, Death on the Nile, ABC murders
Hercule poirot, Miss Marple
Johnathan Swift
Books: Gulliver’s travels, a modest proposal, a tale of a tub
Salman Rushidie
books: The Satanic Verses
Arthur Ransome
books: Swallows and Amazons, Swallowdale, Peter Duck,
Works: King Lear, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Macbetho, the Tempest, Hamlet, amind a summer nights dream
born in: Stratford-Upon-Avon
Charles Dickens
Books: Tale of Two cities, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Bleak House
Lawrence Durrell
books: Justine, Balthazar, Mountolive, Clea
Michael Bond
Paddington bear
Walter Scott
Books: Heart of Midlothian
E.M Forster
Books: A Passage To India, a room with a view, Howards end
Jerome K Jerome
Books: Three Men In a Boat
Edward Lear
Books: The Owl and The PussyCat
George Orwell
books: Animal Farm, 1984, The road to Wigan Pier
John Steinbeck
works: Of Mice and Men, the Grapes of Wrath
D.H. Lawrence
Sons and Lovers, Women in Love, The Rainbow
Thomas Hardy
Tess of the D’Urbervillles, Jude the Obscure, The Poor man and the lady
Seamus Heaney
Beowulf, Digging, A midterm Break
James Joyce
Ulysses Finnegans Wake, Dubliners
T.S. Eliot
The Love Song of J. Alfred Purfrock, The Waste Land
Toni Morrison
Beloved and Sula, The bluest Eye
Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield park, Emma
Joseph Conrad
Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, Almayer’s Folley
F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby, This Side of Paradise
George Shaw
Pygmalion (my fair lady), Immaturity (Fabian Society)
Sylvia Plath
The Bell Jar, Ariel, The Colossus
Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre
Emily Bronte
Wuthering Heights
C.S. Lewis
The Charonicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity (inklings)
William Butler Yeats
The Fish, The stolen Child
J.K Rowling (Robert Gilbraith)
Harry potter, Casual Vacancy
Virginia Woolf
The Waves, Mrs. Dalloway, To The Lighthouse
Lawis Caroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Raold Dahl
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, The Witches, The BFG
William Golding
Lord Of the Flies
J.G. Ballard
Empire of the sun
Catherine Cookson
The fifthteen streets, Tilly Trotter Widowed
John Galsworthy
The Forsyte Saga
Walter scott
The Bride Of Lammermore
H.G Wells
The war of worlds
Alexandre Dumas
The three Muskateers
Robert Louis Stevenson
treasure island