British literature Flashcards
Who was Geoffrey Chaucer?
English poet, author, civil servant, diplomat and member of parliament.
What is Geoffrey Chaucer called?
Father of English literature
In which language did Chaucer write?
Middle English
What is Middle English?
A spoken form of English in Middle Ages/language of common people.
Where is Chaucer buried?
In Poets’ corner
What is Poets’ corner?
A section of the south transept of Westminster Abbey, where the most important English poets and writers are buried.
Who is for example buried in Poets’ corner?
Geoffrey Chaucer, Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling…
What and where did Chaucer studied?
Law in the Inner Temple
Who inspired Chaucer’s works?
Petrarch and Boccaccio
When did Chaucer start writing Canterbury tales?
in 1380s
What are some of Chaucer’s works?
The Book of the Duchess, The House of Fame, The parliament of fowls, Troilus and Criseyde, The Canterbury tales, The Legend of Good Women, A treatise on the Astrolabe, Anelida and Arcite.
What are Canterbury tales?
Collection of 24 stories (unfinished), it is written in verse in popularized middle English
What is the main plot of Canterbury tales?
30 pilgrims from different social ranks travel to Canterbury (author is one of them), they set up a storytelling competition, winner gets a free meal in a tavern on their way back.
What is the knight tale about?
It is a romance about two soldiers falling in love with the queen’s sister Emily, it includes idealized characters and uses roman mythology. The main motives are love and fellowship.
Who was Thomas More?
He was a lawyer, judge, philosopher, statesman, politician and author, He was a Lord High Chancellor of England.