British Acts/policies/administration Flashcards
Gov of bengal as gov gen of bengal.
Assisted by executive Council of 4 members
Regulation act 1773
Court of director to report on civil, political, revenue affairs to the govt in Britain.
Regulation act 1773
Est supreme court of india
Regulation act 1773
Gov of madras and bombay subordinate to give gen of bengal
Regulation act 1773
No jurisdiction of SC over revenue matters and gov gen of bengal and it’s council
Act of resettlement 1781
Appeals from provincial courts to gov gen council and not to SC
Act of resettlement 1781
Jurisdiction of SC over while Calcutta
Act of resettlement 1781
Double govt. Distinguished bw political and commercial acts of british
Pitts india act 1784
Court of directors - commercial affairs
Board of control - political, civil, military affairs
Pitts india act 1781
Recognized political and military admin of EIC in India
Regulation act 1773
Supreme control of brtish govt over EIC
Pitts india act 1784
Cornwallis- commander in chief. Has overiding powers over council
Act of 1781
Extended overriding power to future gov gen and provincial govenors
Charter act 1793
Extended trade monopoly of eic to 20 years
Charter act 1793
Board of control paid from indian revenue
Charter act 1793
Commander in chief unless appointed not a member of council of gov gen
Charter act 1793
Ended. Monopoly of EIC except tea trade with china
Charter act 1813
Christian missionaries allowed
Charter act 1813
Sovereignty of british crown over british territories in india
Charter act 1813
Western education for people in India.
1 lakh per year for edu
Charter act 1813
Ended complete monopoly of EIC
Charter act 1833
EIC territories held under crown and successors
Charter act 1833
Gov gen of bengal as gov gen of india
Charter act 1833
Improve the conditions of slave
Charter act 1833
Legislative. Powers of gov of bombay and madras abolished
Charter act 1833
Exclusive legislative powers of entire india for gov gen of india
Charter act 1833
Indians not to be denied employment on basis of race caste etc
Charter act 1833
Codification of indian laws
Charter act 1833
Debt of EIC by government of india
Charter act 1833
Separate legislative and executive Council in gov gen of india council
Charter act 1853
Representation from local provincial govt in Central legislative council
Charter act 1853
Open competition for civil services. Open to indians also.
Macaulay committee setup
Charter act 1853
Izardari system by?
Through contractors, highest bidder.
No zamindars
And revenue collected by contractors in which land settlement sys
Zamindari system by
Zamindari system / permanent land revenue settlement
Zamindar made land owners
Land revenue fixed. Collected and paid every year.
Sunset clause- if not paid land sold in auction.
Zamindars can maintain forces and maintain order.
Can sell, transfer, mortgage the land
Zamindari system where
Gangetic region
Ryotwarisystem by
Thomas munroe
Ryotwari system where how?
Not fixed. Based in assessment.
Collected directly from peasant cultivators.
Peasant cultivators made land owners.
Revenue was high. So if unable to pay. Evicted.
Only in cash. Money lender problem.
Mahalwari system by
Mahalwari system how
Revenue division.
Cultivation - individually. Revenue payment - collective
Revenue assessed periodically.
Lambardar- collect and pays to govt. But no rights like zamindar.
Rents for diff classes of soil.
Civil services introduced by