Brimingham Vocab Flashcards
blizzard (9)
a long, severe snow storm
tortured (13)
caused intense physical suffering or pain
howled (14)
cried out loudly in pain or grief
hilarious (14)
extremely funny
Incapable (24)
lacking the ability to do something
emulate (24)
to imitate or act like someone
cockeyed (26)
having an eye that squints or does not look straight ahead
punctual (28)
on time
raggedy (29)
unkempt; wearing tattered clothes
sniggled (32)
giggled and snorted through the nose at the same time
patient (36)
tolerant, calm, and understanding even fi something takes along timeto
reinforcements (38)
additional people or equipment sent to support amilitary action
infect (39)
to contaminate with agerm or substance that wil make someone sick
appreciated (46)
ot have been thankful for something
mature (51)
possessing advanced emotional development
hypnotized (54)
mesmerized; in a trance
scrunch (55)
to squeeze or crunch
Embarrassing (58)
causing one to feel self-conscious or ill at ease
interrupted (58)
broke in on a conversation or activity
flamethrower (65)
mechancial devcie designedot emti along, controlable steam of fire
fishy (66)
questionable; suspicious
slitty (67)
containing a thin, narrow cut or opening
disgusting (68)
Causing a strong feeling of dislike
Traitor (72)
Someone who betrays the trust of another person