Brightwell_ShelbyAnn Test Circulatory Flashcards
- What is the function of lymph nodes?
To trap disease-causing bacteria (70. WKST - Blood & Lymph)
- Place the following order in sequence: A) The atria filled with blood B) The valve between the ventricles and atria close C) Blood is pushed out of the heart
A, B, C (64. CLF - Pathways of the Blood)
- When the ventricles contract blood is pumped
Out of the heart (64. CLF - Pathways of the Blood)
- What causes blood pressure?
The force with which the ventricles contract (69. WKST - The Body’s Transport System)
- Which of these heart structures prevents blood from flowing backward?
Valve (71. CLF - Interior of the Heart)
- What happens after old blood which has already been circulated through the body moves into the heart?
The old blood travels to the lungs for more oxygen (BP - Blood)
- The ______ ventricle pumps blood to the lungs
Right (64. CLF - Pathways of the Blood)
- Blood flows from the heart to the body through ________
Arteries (64. CLF - Pathways of the Blood)
- The force with which the _________ contract causes blood pressure
Ventricles (69. WKST - The Body’s Transport System)
- Blood that is rich in oxygen leaves the heart through the blood vessel known as the ________
Aorta (66. CLF - Exterior of the Heart)
- Fluid from the blood that enters lymphatic vessels is known as _______
Lymph (70. WKST - Blood & Lymph)
- A flap of tissue called ________ separates the right atrium from the right ventricle and prevents a backward flow blood
Valve (71. CLF - Interior of the Heart)
- The circulatory system carries the needed materials oxygen and _________ to the body cells
Glucose, nutrients (69. WKST - The Body’s Transport System)
- What is the left lower section of the heart called? When blood enters this structure, is the blood low in oxygen of high in oxygen? Explain
Left ventricle - high in oxygen because it’s coming from the lungs (64. CLF - Pathways of the Blood)
- What is the structure in between the left atrium and left ventricle? What is it’s function?
Valve - separates the left atrium from the left ventricle, prevents blood from flowing backward from the ventricle into the atrium (71. CLF - Interior of the Heart)
- What is the structure that separates the right and left side of the heart? What would happen to a person who had a hole in this structure?
Septum - a hole in the septum would allow oxygen-poor blood to mix with oxygen-rich blood, as a result, less oxygen would go to body cells (71. CLF - Interior of the Heart)
- What is the left top section of the heart called? What are the blood vessels called that lead into this structure? What is it’s level of oxygen content?
Left atrium - pulmonary veins - high oxygen (64. CLF - Pathways of the Blood)
- Starting with the Vena Cava, show the pathways of the blood and if the blood is oxygenate or deoxygenated.
Superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, deoxygenated, right atrium, deoxygenated, right ventricle, deoxygenated, pulmonary trunk, deoxygenated, LUNGS, right pulmonary vein, left pulmonary vein, oxygenated, left atrium, oxygenated, left ventricle, oxygenated, aorta, oxygenated, BODY (64. CLF - Pathways of the Blood)
- Where are pulmonary arteries? Where are pulmonary veins?
Pulmonary arteries - under the aortic arch. Pulmonary veins - by the left atrium (64. CLF - Pathways of the Blood)