Bright Futures Flashcards
Social Language/Self-Help
Makes brief eye contact with adult when held
1 week
Verbal Language
Cries with discomfort
Calms to adult voice
1 week
Gross Motor
Reflexively moves arms and legs
Turns head to side when on stomach
1 week
Fine Motor
Holds fingers closed
Grasps reflexively
1 week
Social Language/Self-Help
Calms when picked up or spoken to
Looks briefly at objects
1 month
Verbal Language
Alerts to unexpected sound
Makes brief short vowel sounds
1 month
Gross Motor
Holds chin up in prone
1 month
Fine Motor
Holds fingers more open at rest
1 month
Social Language/Self-Help
Smiles responsively (ie, social smile)
2 months
Verbal Language
Vocalizes with simple cooing
2 months
Gross Motor
Lifts head and chest in prone
2 months
Fine Motor
Opens and shuts hands
2 months
Social Language/Self-Help
Laughs aloud
4 months
Verbal Language
Turns to voice
Vocalizes with extended cooing
4 months
Gross Motor
Rolls over prone to supine
Supports on elbows and wrists in prone
4 months
Fine Motor
Keeps hands unfisted
Plays with fingers in midline
Grasps object
4 months
Social Language/Self-Help
Pats or smiles at reflection
Begins to turn when name called
6 months
Verbal Language
6 months
Gross Motor
Rolls over supine to prone
Sits briefly without support
6 months
Fine Motor
Reaches for objects and transfers
Rakes small object with 4 fingers
Bangs small object on surface
6 months
Social Language/Self-Help
Uses basic gestures (holds arms out to be picked up, waves bye-bye)
Looks for dropped objects
Picks up food with fingers and eats it
Turns when name called
9 months
Verbal Language
Says “Dada” or “Mama” nonspecifically
9 months
Gross Motor
Sits well without support
Pulls to stand
Transitions well between sitting and lying
Balances on hands and knees
9 months
Fine Motor
Picks up small object with 3 fingers and thumb
Releases objects intentionally
Bangs objects together
9 months
Social Language/Self-Help
Looks for hidden objects
Imitates new gestures
12 months
Verbal Language
Says “Dada” or “Mama” specifically
Uses 1 word other than Mama, Dada, or personal names
Follows a verbal command that includes a gesture
12 months
Gross Motor
Takes first independent steps
Stands without support
12 months
Fine Motor
Drops object in a cup
Picks up small object with 2-finger pincer grasp
12 months
Social Language/Self-Help
Imitates scribbling
Drinks from cup with little spilling
Points to ask for something or to get help
15 months
Verbal Language
Uses 3 words other than names
Speaks in jargon
Follows a verbal command without a gesture
15 months
Gross Motor
Squats to pick up objects
Climbs onto furniture
Begins to run
15 months
Fine Motor
Makes mark with crayon
Drops object in and takes object out of a container
15 months
Social Language/Self-Help
Engages with others for play
Helps dress and undress self
Points to pictures in book
Points to object of interest to draw attention to it
Turns and looks at adult if something new happens
Begins to scoop with spoon
18 months
Verbal Language
Uses 6–10 words other than names
Identifies at least 2 body parts
18 months
Gross Motor
Walks up with 2 feet per step with hand held
Sits in small chair
Carries toy while walking
18 months
Fine Motor
Scribbles spontaneously
Throws small ball a few feet while standing
18 months
Social Language/Self-Help
Plays alongside other children (parallel)
Takes off some clothing
Scoops well with spoon
2 years
Verbal Language
Uses 50 words
Combines 2 words into short phrase or sentence
Follows 2-step command
Uses words that are 50% intelligible to strangers
2 years
Gross Motor
Kicks ball
Jumps off ground with 2 feet
Runs with coordination
2 years
Fine Motor
Stacks objects
Turns book pages
Uses hands to turn objects (eg, knobs, toys, and lids)
2 years
Social Language/Self-Help
Urinates in a potty or toilet
Engages in pretend or imitative play
Spears food with fork
2.5 years
Verbal Language
Uses pronouns correctly
2.5 years
Gross Motor
Begins to walk up steps, alternating feet
Runs well without falling
2.5 years
Fine Motor
Grasps crayon with thumb and fingers instead of fist
Catches large balls
2.5 years
Social Language/Self-Help
Enters bathroom and urinates by self
Plays in cooperation and shares
Puts on coat, jacket, or shirt by self
Engages in beginning imaginative play
Eats independently
3 years
Verbal Language
Uses 3-word sentences
Uses words that are 75% intelligible to strangers
Understands simple prepositions (eg, on, under)
3 years
Gross Motor
Pedals tricycle
Climbs on and off couch or chair
Jumps forward
3 years
Fine Motor
Draws a single circle
Draws a person with head and 1 other body part
Cuts with child scissors
3 years
Social Language/Self-Help
Enters bathroom and has bowel movement by self
Brushes teeth
Dresses and undresses without much help
Engages in well-developed imaginative play
4 years
Verbal Language
Uses 4-word sentences
Uses words that are 100% intelligible to strangers
4 years
Gross Motor
Climbs stairs, alternating feet without support
Skips on 1 foot
4 years
Fine Motor
Draws a person with at least 3 body parts
Draws simple cross
Unbuttons and buttons medium-sized buttons
Grasps pencil with thumb and fingers instead of fist
4 years