Brigade Combat Team Fight Flashcards
BCT’s are the army’s basic
Tactical maneuver units
BC tees are designed to conduct_______ operations
Offensive defensive and stability operations
Smallest combined arms units that can be committed independently
BCT’s can be ______, _______ to meet whatever the mission needs.
Task Organized
The ______, Conducts offensive, defensive, stability support operations in support of combatant commander objectives providing armored fire power with tanks, mechanized infantry, and self-propelled artillery
Armored Brigade Combat Teams
Whose mission is it to perform accurate and timely ground reconnaissance and surveillance in support of brigade operations, enabling the commander to employ his ground forces or joint fires precisely at the time and place of his choosing
5-7 CAV A, B, and C CAV companies
Who’s mission is it to provide 24 hour operational command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance signal systems Netwerk to the supported brigade combat team
10th Brigade Engineer Battalion Signal company
Whose mission is it to provide timely relevant accurate and synchronized intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance support to the maneuver units within the brigade combat team and support the BCT commander, staff and subordinates during the planning, preparation, and execution of multiple, simultaneous decisive actions on a distributed battlefield
10th Brigade Engineer Battalion Military Intelligence
Whose mission is it to provide field services, distribution services, recovery and field maintenance to a brigade engineer battalion an HHC, ABCT
10th Brigade Engineer Battalion Forward Support Company
Whose mission is it too close with and destroy enemy forces using fire, maneuver, and Shocka fact, or to repel assault by fire in counterattack
5-7 CAV Armored D Company
Whose mission is it to provide field services distribution services recovery and field maintenance to a cavalry squadron
Forward Support E Company
Whose mission is it to provide field services distribution services recovery and field maintenance to a field artillery battalion in the ABCT
Forward Support F company
Whose mission is it to provide field services, distribution services, recovery and field maintenance to a combined arms battalion in the ABCT
1-64 & 3-69 Combined Arms BN Forward Support G and H Companies
Who’s mission is it to close with and destroy enemy forces using fire maneuver shock affect or To repel assault by fire in counterattack
C armored company of the 2-7 Combined Arms BN
Who is mission is it to provide field services, distribution services, recovery and field maintenance to a combined arms battalion in the ABCT
Forward Support J Company
What are the five types of maneuvers
Envelopment, turning movement, infiltration, penetration, frontal assault
Forms of maneuver are distinct tactic combinations of _______ and ______ With a unique set of doctrinal characteristics that defer primarily in the relationship between the maneuvering force and the enemy
Fire and movement
Combined arms organizations accomplish their assigned a Mission by synchronizing the contributions of __________ To execute these forms of a maneuver
All war fighting functions
A form of maneuver in which an attacking for six to avoid the principal enemy defenses by seizing objectives behind those defenses that allow the targeted enemy Force to be destroyed in their current positions
Single envelopment
A form of maneuver in which the attacking force avoid the enemies current positions causing the enemy force to move out of their current positions or divert major forces to meet the threat
Turning movement
A form of maneuver in which an attacking force conducts undetected movement through or into an area occupied by enemy forces to occupy a position of advantage behind those positions while exposing only small elements to enemy defense of fires
A form of maneuver in which an attacking for six to rupture enemy defenses on a narrow front to disrupt defensive system
A form of maneuver in which an attacking for seeks to destroy a week or enemy forces or fix a larger enemy force in place over a broad front
Frontal assault
The offense is the decisive form of war the offense is the ultimate means commanders have of imposing there will enemy forces army forces conduct the office to defeat industry enemy forces as well as gain control of terrain resources in population centers
The offense
The main purpose of the ________ Are to defeat enemy forces destroy enemy forces, and gain control of terrain, resources, and population centers.
Secure decisive key terrain, Deprive the enemy of resources, gain information, deceive and divert an enemy force, fix an enemy force in position, disrupt an enemy forces attack, set the conditions for successful future operations
The purpose of the Offense
What are the 4 Offensive tasks
Movement to contact, attack, exploitation, pursuit
What are the six forms of an attack
Ambush, counterattack, demonstration, Feint, raid, spoiling attack
Is a type of offensive operation designed to develop the situation and establish or regain contact. It also creates favorable conditions for sub sequent tactical actions
Movement to contact
Is a Type of offensive operation that destroys or defeats enemy forces, seizes and secures terrain, or both
Is a type of offensive operation that usually follows the conduct of a successful attack and is designed to diss organize the enemy in depth
What is a type of offensive operation design to catch or cut off a hostile force attempting to escape with the aim of destroying it
Commanders directs immediately available forces using FRAGORDs, Minimal Preparation, Trade planning/prep time for speed or execution
Hasty attack
Detailed planning in coordination, extensive reconnaissance conducted prior to the attack, task organize specifically for operation, extensive rehearsals
Deliberate Attack
Enabling operations include
Reconnaissance, security operations, troop movement, relief in place, passage of lines
A mission undertaken to obtain by visual observation or other detection methods, information about the activities and resources of an enemy or an adversary, or to secure data concerning the meteorological, Hydro graphical, or geographical characteristics and the indigenous population of a particular area
Relies primarily on the human dynamic rather than technical means. Performed before, during, and after other operations to provide information used by the commander in order to formulate, confirm, or modify a course of action
What are the five forms of reconnaissance
Route, zone, area, reconnaissance in force, special reconnaissance
Security operations are those operations undertaken by commander to provide early in accurate warning of enemy operations, to provide the force being protected with time in maneuver space within which to react to the enemy, and to develop the situation to allow the commander to effectively use the protected force what are the four security tasks
Screen, guard, cover, and area security.
_______ Is the movement of soldiers in units from one place to another by any available means
Troop movement
What are the three types of troop movements
Administrative movement, approach march, tactical road march,
___________ Is an operation in which a force moves forward or rear ward through another forces combat positions with the intention of moving into or out of contact with the enemy
Passage of lines
________ Is a lane through an enemy or friendly obstacle that provide safe passage for a passing force
Passage Lane
_______ Is a specifically designated place where the passing units pass through the stationary unit
Passage point
_______ Is an area free of armed mines or obstacles who’s width and direction allow a friendly forced to pass through the area containing obstacles while dispersed in a tactical formation
The commander halts the office sensitive when it achieve victory or reaches a culminating point. If there is a change in Mission from higher headquarters
Transition to defensive operations
Loss of momentum due to heavily defended areas that cannot be bypassed, resupply of fuel, ammunition, supplies, or repair parts fails to keep up with expenditures. Soldier exhaustion increase in casualties and equipment loss. Unexpected enemy surprise movements, reserves not available.
Culminating point causes
A commander plans a pause if he cannot anticipate securing decisive objectives before subordinate forces reach their culminating points
What are the three types of defensive operations
Mobile defense, area defense, retrograde
To deter or defeat enemy offense. Gain time. Achieve economy of force. Retain key terrain. Protect the populace, critical assets, and infrastructure. Develop intelligence
The purposes of defense operations
Disruption, flexibility, maneuver, masking affects, operations in depth, preparation, and security
Characteristics of defensive operations
Defense of a linear obstacle defense of a parameter and reverse slope defense
Forms of defense
A defense that denies the enemy forces access to designated terrain for a specific time rather than destroying the enemy outright
Area defense
A defense that destroys or defeats the enemy through decisive attack by a striking force. The striking force is a dedicated counterattack force in a mobile defense constituted with the bulk of available combat power a fixing for supplements the striking force
Mobile defense
Any organized movement away from the enemy. There are three forms delay, with drawl and retirement
Preparation, security, disruption, messing in concentration, flexibility, maneuver, operations in depth, are _______ of defensive operations
What are the two types of obstacles
Existing and reinforcing
What are the two existing types of obstacles
Natural and man-made
What are natural obstacles
Rivers, mountains, forests
What are man-made obstacles
Railroad beds, towns, Cemetery
What are two types of reinforcing obstacles
Tactical, protective
What are tactical obstacles
Directed, situational, reserve
What are protective obstacles
Defense and security
Types of individual obstacles
Demolition: Blown Bridges, Abatis, Road Crater
Constructed: Triple Standard Wire, Tetrahedron, Tank Ditch
Mines: Conventional Scatterable
What are the five types of battle positions
Primary, alternate, supplementary, sub sequent, strong point
This position covers the enemies most likely Avenue approach into the AO
Primary battle position
This position that covers the enemies most likely Avenue approach into the AO And occupied with the primary becomes untenable or unsuitable
Alternate battle position
This position covers the best sectors of fire and defensive terrain How long Avenue of approach that is not the primary Avenue of attack
Supplementary battle positions
This position that a unit expect to move to during the course of battle
Subsequent battle positions
Heavily fortified position tied to a natural or reinforcing obstacle to create an anchor for the defense or to deny the enemy decisive or key terrain
Strong point battle position
What are the four types of fighting positions
Doug in, two men hasty, one man hasty, Mounted fighting position
Is an immediately available preplanned barrier of fires designed to impede enemy movement across defensive lines or areas a priority target for an element or system, and only laid on that target win not engaged in other fire missions. It must be registered with the field artillery battery in order to be supported by indirect fires. When the enemy force initiate its final assault into a defensive position, the defending unit initiates it to kill enemy infantry soldiers and suppress enemy armored vehicles
Final protective fires
Forms of defense are distinct tactical combinations of unique doctrinal characteristics that differ primarily in the relationship between the maneuvering force, terrain, Operational objectives, and the enemy. what are the forms of defense
Defense of linear objects, Perimeter, And slope defense
A commander may conduct either in area or mobile defense along or behind a linear obstacle. Commanders normally prefer an area defense because it accepts less risk by not allowing the enemy to cross the obstacle. Linear obstacles such as mountain ranges or river lines generally favor a Forward defense
Defense of a linear obstacle
The commander can employ the perimeter defense As an option when conducting an area or mobile defense. The commander uses it in the conduct of bass and bass cluster defense. A Perimeter defense Is oriented in all directions. The prerequisites for a successful perimeter Defense are aggressive patrolling and security operations outside of the perimeter
Defense of a Perimeter
The commander organizes a Reverse slope defense on the portion of a terrain Feature or slow with a topographical crest that makes the main defensive positions from enemy observation and direct fire. The commander bases a successful reverse slope defense on denying the enemy the topographical crest
Reverse slope defense
This type of defense of operation denies enemy access to designated terrain For a specific time limiting their freedom of maneuver in channeling them into killing areas
Area defense
This type of defensive operation force oriented defensive action that focuses on the destruction of the enemy rather than the retention of terrain
Mobile defense
This type of defense of operation is executed to game time, preserve forces, place the enemy in unfavorable positions, or avoid combat under undesirable conditions
Two reasons for this type of transition: If defense is successful, transition to the offense. If defense is unsuccessful, transition to retrograde operations
Transition from the defense
The commander will take the following actions: Establish a line of departure for the offensive operation. Maintain contact with the enemy. Redeploy combined arms team. Maintain or regain contact with ad jacent unions in a contiguous AO And remain capable of mutual support in a non-contiguous AO. Transition the engineer effort from counter mobility and survivability to mobility. Provides commanders intent for defense to offense transitioning. Submit defended asset list to influence the positioning of air and missile defense assets
Transition to the office
Attack using forces not previously committed to the defense and attack using the currently defending forces are both techniques used to transition to the
This type of transition usually involves a combination of delay, withdrawal, and retirement operations
Transition to retrograde
What are the three retrograde control measures
Delay, with the draw, retirement
Defensive planning considerations consist of what three operations
Security operations, force protection, information operations
This type of operation includes deceive the enemy as to friendly locations, strength, and weaknesses. Inhibit or defeat enemy reconnaissance operations. Provide early warning in Disrupt enemy attacks.
Security operations
This type of defensive planning consideration preserve combat power
Force protection
This type of defensive planning consideration and accurately portray friendly forces and miss lead enemy commanders through military deception, operation security in electronic warfare
Information operations