Brief explanation: based off textbook questions. Flashcards
How does Jesus become “my saviour”? Explain.
We believe in Jesus, obey his words and proclaim him as out saviour, Then and there Jesus, the saviour of the world becomes saviour for each one of us.
How could the historical knowledge about Jesus Christ help us?
Firstly, the knowledge about Jesus, historical person will strengthen our faith. Secondly, it helps to clear the doubts of others by entering into dialogue and convince them of the truth about Jesus.
Growth in Self-knowledge is the pre-requisite to the enlightened identity. Explain.
Just as nobody can make his life fruitful without self-awareness, nobody can grow up as a true and mature Christian without the knowledge of what it means to be a Christian and without being aware of the very purpose of life and the means to realise the same.
What do you mean by Christian Vision of Life?
Christian vision of life is something that directs one’s total view-point and attitude. It regulates our Christian attitudes and helps us to be authentic. It shapes on view-points at various levels of life.
How can we follow Jesus in the practice of the virtues like meekness and humility?
Jesus is a sublime model for use to be followed. He kept his poise during the trial and on his difficult journey to Calvary. Jesus washing the feet of his disciples is an exceptional example of humility, He taught us to follow the path of humble service. We too ought to practice the virtues of gentleness and humility after the model of Jesus.
True and healthy formation of conscience is possible only by your constant efforts. Why?
Human conscience is inborn to man, but a right conscience is something which is cultivated. This is an ongoing process and it is to be practiced continuously. Several factors can be taken into consideration in the process of conscience formation, including circumstances of one’s life, special conditions, education, religious out-look, rules and regulations.
What is true conscience?
Conscience is the echo of the voice of God, a voice within the innermost recess of human heart. The catechism of the catholic church explains conscience as follows: “Deep within his conscience, man discovers a law which he has not laid upon himself but which he must obey. Its voice, ever calling him to love and to do what is good and to avoid evil, sounds in his hear at the right moment for man has in his heart a law inscribed by God.”
What are the basic traits of Christian Personality?
We must give priority to shape out Christian personality and lifestyle after the heart of Jesus, There are certain specific qualities in a person who is transformed into the life-styles of Jesus. These qualities are Love of God, Love of Others, Love of Enemy and Love of Service-mindedness.