BRICS - Challenges from the south Flashcards
contextually highlight the way in which BRICS highlights a post American world. Give a quote to support this
- the post 1945 system was gone, UN, Bretton woods
- Regionalisation
- Centre of global economy is no longer America
- Rise of illiberal states
- Fareed Zakaria “not about the decline of the US but about the rise of everybody else”
What are common features of the growing south?
- all are southern hemisphere apart from Russia
- Fast growing economies with large growing populations
- create coordination mechanisms and institutions to achieve their commonly defined goals (BRICS, IBSA, BASIC)
who is in BRICS?
- Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
what is the soft balancing of BRICS?
- investing in African economies for example, not a direct challenge
outline the history of BRICS
2001 Goldman sachs report
- Jim O’Neil coined the term to highlight the high potential of investment and the rapidly developing economies
- Putin recognised this opportunity and in 2006 started political moves to put it into practice
- 2009 becomes a reality after Yekaterinberg summit
- 2010 expands to include South Africa
What is the BRICS development bank?
- first proposed in 2012, approved in 2013 at BRICS summit in Durban SA
- Initial investment of $50 billion mainly from China
- an alternative to the world bank or IMF it provided funding for infrastructure projects in developing nations
BRICS covers what percentage of the worlds land mass?
-25% of the planets land mass
Demographically BRICS covers what percentage of the worlds population?
- 40% of the worlds population
- e.g. China alone has 1.33 billion people = 20%
- e.g. India alone has 1.15 billion people = 20%
In 2012 what was the share of global output from BRICS?
- 20% (compared to the EU and USA 40%)
What did the human development report of the united nations development program predict? (2013)
- that the combined output of Brazil and China alone will surpass aggregate production of the US, Germany, UK, France, Italy and Canada by as early as 2020
BRICS bank claims to hold what percentage of the wolrd’s workforce?
- 50% of the worlds work force
For 5 consecutive years before 2007 what was the annualised return of BRICS investors?
- average 52% return for investments compared to 17% in G-7 markets
What did the BRICS bank claim to do in 2008 financial crisis?
- Claimed to be responsible for getting the economy out of its initial slump
when was IBSA created and what is this an example of ?
- IBSA was created in 2003, it exemplifies south-south cooperation
- India, Brazil, South Africa
could say that BRICS and IBSA are a smack down to Fukuyama why?>
- because you dont have to be western to believe in democracy
What does IBSA mean for substantiative policy / policy initiatives?
- common diplomatic stance at the WTO
- Critical of interventions like Libya and Syria
- Joint Naval exercises
- Strong collective advocates of UN millenium development goals and debt eradication in poor nations
- Development funds for poor nations
what do IBSA members want in the UN?
- They want permanent seats on the security council
Brazil, India and SA are largely against EU / US views within the UNSC which is shown how?
- with their voting record
Exemplify regionalisation
- ASEAN 1967
- EU 1957
- Mercosur 1991
- Africa union 2002 (54 members, Morrocco only one that isn’t)
how can you explain BRICS from realist perspective?
- hegemonic transition
- reconfiguration of strategic balancing
- emphasis on statecraft
- states are autonomous and independent units of the state system, survival instincts, self contained economic and political units
How can you explain BRICS from liberal perspective?
- crisis of liberal internationalism and the rise of non liberal states
- universal validity of western values, institutions and state models
Critical theory / marxist interpretation of BRICS?
- capitalist crisis
- systemic crisis
- a critique of western ideology
Constructivist approach to BRICS?
- normative/ideational transition in international order and role of emerging power identities
exemplify how this might be a rise and fall?
- Brazilian economy 3.38% GDP decline, lowest growth rate for 25 years
- Russia 2013 only 1.3% economic growth and now nothing, very reliant on oil
- Ukraine sanctions on Russia mean that no access of Russia to EU or US loans
what is significant about early south-south movements?
such as G77 or non aligned movement, they had moral leverage but were economically weak
what does Marco Vierra argue about distributive justice (the just allocation of goods in society) India and Brazil have?
- States like India and Brazil have been outspoken critics of western dominated international power structures like the UN and criticise the north for a lack of development assistance in the south
it is clear that the current structure gives favour to who?
- the current structure gives favourable circumstances to the north (*but power shifts are now changing this)
what does Hedley Bull say about ideologies? (liberal)
- political ideologies maintain that a triumph of their doctrine would mean a reduction of the sources of war and conflict and lead to a more orderly world
what was Kant’s idea? (liberal)
- Perpetual peace, war was a legitimate tool against unjust states who violate human rights
Fukuyama? (liberal)
- End of history
What do cosmopolitan or liberal approaches therefore suggest about the international society?
- post colonial states are seen as passive rather than aggressive recipients of western norms and institutions
- it thinks that those capable of incorporating them should be accepted into international society
- the south says that liberal institutionalism has failed to bring adequate economic and social distributive justice into the wider international society (which includes african and asian states)
- Souther nations and growing pluralism are challenging western norms and institutions
as a realist what does Krasner say about the third world?
- “3rd world states want power and control as much as wealth. One strategy to achieve this objective is to change the rules of the game in various international areas”
some people see the north/south shift as sped up by what? More realist
- sped up by the 2008 financial crash, natural historical hegemonic cycles of rise and decline
what does the realist kagan say?
- he says that the emergent power of “authoritarian states” like China and Russia poses a big threat to the the expansion of liberal pacific union
what does Ikenberry say with regards to the decline of US hegemony?
- the liberal internationalist system faces a crisis of authority due to declining US hegemony
What are examples of critical perspectives on international institutions?
- Feminist
- Post colonial (criticises the narrative of liberal universalism
- Post structural (criticises the narrative of liberal universalism - claims superiority over other cultural realities, economic models and systems)
why do critical perspectives deviate from cosmopolitan views?
- distanced from cosmopolitan views that individuals are the main referents of global morality and international institutions act as neutral frameworks to promote inter state cooperation
what is the theory of Prebisch
- core periphery
what was the western response to Asian/African newly independent states?
- Multilateral mechanisms like UNCTAD (united nations conference on trade and development
What to neo gramscian theorists (critical theorists) say are the 3 broad categories of force as the main three constitutive elements of the global political system?
They do what?
- material, ideational, institutional
- Reinforce / legitimise particular historical block which in turn defines standards of appropriateness in international political order
- therefore new nations are counter hegemonic in this sense
when was the bandung conference?
- 1955
When was opec made?
- 1960
What is a good quote from British secretary of state william Hague in 2010?
- ” the world has changed and if we do not change with it, Britains role is set to decline with all that means for our influence in world affairs”
What are the Bandung principles?
- respect for fundamental human rights and the purposes and principles of the charter of the united nations
describe IBSA distributive justice in action
- IBSA facility for poverty alleviation
- Each member gives $1 million a year
IBSA has sponsored states like?
- Haiti, Guinea Bissau, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Burundi and occupied palestinian territories
IPEA, institute for applied economic research says that the Brazilian government spent how much on development assistance between 2005- 2009
-$1.43 billion US dollars for development (which doubled 2009 - 2010)
what did woods say about Indian aid programme? (began in the 50s)
- says its is centred on respect for territorial integrity
- mutual non agression
- mutual non interference in domestic affairs
- equality and mutual benefit
- peaceful coexistence
what is a criticism of the emerging south?
- it has more in common with the north than it does with the south they claim to represent
what is a problem with liberal institutionalism now?
- it is aligning states to ones it formerly opposed like Saudi Arabia
while liberalism sees rising south as a threat?
- Liberalism does see it as threat
some estimates say that what percentage of the western population is over 50?
What must you mention in the BRICS question?
- that the WTO wants to liberalise world trade, not like the protectionism of the European union
What would realists say about the opening up of developing economies?
- that it was because of the west