It is not possible to determine the position & momentum of an electron simultaneously
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
If two or more empty orbitals of equal energy are available, one electron occupies each with spins parallel until all orbitals are full
Hund’s Rule
Build up of electrons in atoms results from continually increasing the quantum number
Aufbau principle
Ability to attract e in itself
Amount of energy release when an atom gains e
Electron affinity
Required to remove e
Ionization energy
If two systems are in thermal equilibrium respectively with a third system, they must be in thermal equilibrium with each other
Zeroth Law
Energy is neither created nor destroyed
First Law of Thermodynamics
Entropy of a system can only increase/remain constant through time
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Entropy of a pure, crystalline solid at absolute zero temperature is zero
Third Law of Thermodynamics
Common unit of measure for radioactivity
Curie (Ci)
Standard Unit for radioactivity
Becquerel (Bq)
Standard unit of measure for equivalent dose
Sievert (Sv)
Standard unit for absorbed dose
Gray (Gy)
Difference in spec grav/density
Difference in solvent affinity “science of separation”
Dec the temp so that the more insoluble components crystallizes first
Fractional crystallizatikn
1st element discovered by spectroscopy
Aka inflammable air
Aka mephitic air
Hydrogen is produced via
Lane process/messeschimdt
Cu + Ni + Zn
German silver
Ni + Al
Raney Nickel
Cu + Ni
Cu + Sn
Cu + Zn
50% Bismuth + 25% Pb + 25% Sn
Rose metal “beautiful meadow”
50% Pb + 25% Sn + 25% Sb
Type Metal
20% Pb + 80% Sn
Pewter Metal