Brevity Words Flashcards
Indicates the termination of EMCON procedures.
Alert _____
Weapons can be launched, fired or be airborne within _____ minutes.
Automatic computer controlled digital data link between units equipped with computerized tactical data systems (LINK 11).
Angels _____
Height of friendly aircraft in thousands of feet from MSL
(Angels 1.5 = 1500 ft)
As Fragged
Unit or element will be performing exactly as stated by the airtasking order.
To request or provide a response for a coded challenge.
An aircraft identified as an enemy, in accordance with theatre identification (ID) criteria.
The term does not necessarily imply direction or authority to engage.
Base (Number)
Reference number used to indicate such information such as headings, altitude, fuels, etc …
Your last transmission disclosed an essential element of friendly information. Proper response is “Roger, Out”
Indicated equipment is inoperative (Cancelled by “OKAY”)
- Fuel state needed for recovery
- Proceed/ am currently proceeding to specified base (field) or carrier.
Aircraft has lost visual contact with another friendly aircraft or ground position (opposite of VISUAL).
Unidentified aircraft.
Following formation is in tactical control format providing target bearing, range altitude and aspect relative to the specified friendly aircraft.
Break (Direction)
Perform “An immediate maximum performance turn in the direction indicated.”
Surface/ Sub-surface Launched Anti-ship Missile.
Bulls Eye
A common reference point position of an object will be established by bearing (magnetic) and range (NM) from this point.
Fly at maximum continuous (mil power).
Cloud and visibility Okay (ICAO term meaning no significant clouds below 5000 ft, visibility at least 6 miles, no precipitation or storms.
Cease Fire
Do not open fire/ cease firing (missiles in flight continue to intercept)
Cease Reporting
Contact is no longer to be reported but plotting and assessment of classification, course, speed, altitude, identification, and closest point of approach is to be continued.
Reporting is to recommence automatically for changes in classification or alterations of course, speed or altitude.
Communications jamming.
Height of friendly aircraft in hundreds of feet above surface.
UHF/ HF voice encrypt/ decrypt device.