Breastfeeding Flashcards
Briefly describe the anatomy of the breast?
- Each breast functions independently
- Each has a rich blood supply, nerve and lymphatic supply
- Each is comprised of glandular tissue and fat and is supported by ligaments
- Glandular tissue increases in pregnancy under hormonal influences in preparation for lactation
- Glandular tissue is separated into lobes which are subdivided into lobules
- Each lobule contains alveoli which is lined with lactocytes surrounded by epthithelial cells
- Under the influence of prolactin, milk is produced in the lactocytes
When is colostrum usually present by?
According to UNICEF baby friendly initiative colostrum is usually present from 16 weeks gestation
What initiates the rise in oxytocin to aid milk production?
It is the loss of placental hormones, particularly progesterone that initiates the rise in oxytocin and prolactin.
How is milk supplied?
According to the breastfeeding network milk is supplied according to demand, and so the baby’s appetite and feeding action stimulates the mother’s milk supply.
What other factors can stimulate breastfeeding?
- Prolonged cuddling, so encouraging lots of skin to skin
- A calm, warm environment
- Privacy
What should mothers be encouraged to do if baby comes off the breast?
The second breast should always be offered, the baby will only take from the second breast if he is still hungry
What components can be found in colostrum?
- Antibodies
- Growth hormones
- Antimicrobial peptides
- Water to keep baby hydrated
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Protein, fat, carbohydrates
How long is it recommended that baby’s breastfeed for?
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommend that baby’s should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life, once a weaning diet is introduced at 6 months mothers are encouraged to continue breastfeeding up until two years of age. However if mothers wish to continue after this age is it perfectly fine to do so.
How would we recognise a successful attachment at the breast?
Incorrect attachment can damage the breast and the nipple and making it sore the mother to feed and prevents effective milk transfer.
- Encourage mum to be sat/lay in a comfortable position
- Ensure the baby’s body is turned inwards facing mum
- Keeping the baby’s head and body in-line
- The baby’s neck and shoulders should be supported, but a free,y flexed head
- Position baby’s nose to nipple
- Patiently wait for a wide open gape to his mouth
- Swiftly bring baby onto the breast, chin leading, aiming the nipple towards the back of the mouth
- Once attached the baby’s nose should be close but clear
Would there be any other things to recognise a baby is feeding successfully?
- Wet and dirty nappies
- Weight gain
- Baby’s general appearance and behaviour
- Suck to swallow ratio
What are the benefits of breastfeeding?
- Provides anti-viral properties (e.g respiratory difficulties )
- Provides anti-infective properties (e.g gastroenteritis)
- Can reduce the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer to the mother
- Fewer ear infections in infants per year
- Fewer cases of SIDS per year
- Lowers the risk of childhood obesity,asthma, allergies, coeliac diseases, leukaemia,
What does CHINS stand for?
C- Close H- Head free I- In line N- Nose to nipple S- Sustainability
What does painful breastfeeding indicate?
-Ineffective latch and position
What does engorgement indicate?
Poor milk transfer (possibly caused by ineffective attachment/positioning)
What can cause blocked ducts?
What colour would you expect babies stool to be after day 4?
Yellow/very light brown
What are the signs of mastitis?
- Pyrexia
- Pain from breast
- Sour tasting breast milk
- Fatigue
- Redness
- Generally unwell
What are some possible breastfeeding positions?
- Cross cradle
- Rugby ball (under arm)
- Laid back
- Side lying
How can we support a woman to learn?
- Explain the reasons for what you say
- Keep messages simple
- Check understanding
- Use props to reinforce learning
What are the signs of ineffective attachment?
- Sore nipples
- Mastitis
- Low milk production
- Loss of confidence
- Engorgement
- Frequent feeding
- Jaundice
- Poor weight gain
- Hypernatraemia (high sodium in blood)
- Poor nappy output
What are some of the breastfeeding cues given off by baby in order for mum to recognise a feed?
- Fidgeting/rooting
- Sucking hands
- Crying
It is important that mothers recognise these cues before the baby begins it cry, once a baby is overstimulated they produce cortisol (stress hormone). It is encouraged that before the mother try’s to feed again that the baby is calmed before hand.