Breastfeeding Flashcards
Disparities in Breastfeeding
Blacks are 50% lower than white
WHO/UNICEF Steps to Successful Breastfeeding
- Written breastfeeding policy communicated to all health care providers
- Train all health care staff in skills to implement policy
- Inform all women about benefits of the boobie
- Help initiate breastfeeding within 1 hr
- Show how to breastfeed and maintain lacation
- No other food or drink than breastmilk
- Rooming in
- Breastfeeding on demand
- No artificial nips or pacifiers
- Breastfeeding support groups for post discharge
Nutrition for Newborn
Can go 1st day without eating
Hypoglycemia < 30
No baby is on schedule!
Culture against Breastfeeding
Modesty, embarrassment, rude comments, staring, work rules and regulation (lack of)
Baby’s Benefits of Breastfeeding!
Reduces: ear infections, gastroenteritis, lower respiratory infection, atopic dermatitis, asthma, obesity, type 1 and 2 diabetes, childhood leukemia, lymphoma, SIDS, NEC (short gut syndrome)
Mothers Benefits from Breastfeeding
Reduces risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer and postpartum depression
Breastfeeding Benefits to Society
Reduced health care costs Reduced cost to WIC programs Healthier population Reduce formula cans- environment friendly! Less work absences from child illness
USA Breastfeeding
12% of infants are breastfed exclusively for 6 months
If 90%- 13 billion dollars would be saved
Day 1 Feedings
Term babies within first hour of life- awake for about 2 hours- looking for the boobie!
Sleepy stage, 4-8 hours or longer
Wake up to feed!
Unwrap (if over 98.0) to wake up and promote skin to skin
Breastfeeding Positions
Cradle Hold Football Hold Sidelying- all against mom skin Laid Back- belly down Stoke cheek with nipple- baby will root and open wide!
Breastfeeding Length
Leave on breast for 10-30 minutes
Can try and burp and switch breasts
Next feeding should be on opposite breasts
Types of Milk
Colostrum- thirst quenching
Hind milk- thicker, when baby stays on breast for at least 10 minutes
Skim like milk when sucking for only 5 minutes
Breastfeeding Frequency
Frequent feedings help establish a milk supply
Begin pumping ASAP if baby cannot or is not willing
Pump 4 hours after delivery if not breastfeeding
Milk Expiration
After baby drinks it- good for 1 hour Fresh milk is good for 4-8 hours at room temp Stored in refrigerator for 3-5 days Frozen for 3-5 months Deep freeze 6-12 months
Breast milk Care
Gently swirl
Denatures the milk
Breastmilk Properties
Foremilk- high water content, not a lot of fat but thirst quenching
Hind milk- high fat content, supports growth
Breastfeeding Hormones
Prolactin is the major milk stimulating hormone
Highest levels at end of pregnancy
Progesterone keeps Prolactin multiplying
Prolactin receptors multiply in breasts after delivery
Frequent sucking is responsible for development of more Prolactin receptors
Over a few weeks- milk production goes from endocrine to autocrine (receptors in the breast)
Locally controlled after birth
Refilling of the Breast
As it fills up, concentrations of why protein rise and trigger a cutback in production
As it decreases, the lower the concentration of FIL and allows breast to make more milk
FIL- Feedback Inhibitor of Lactation
Breast milk Handling
Swirl, microwave
GLOVES! is a bodily fluid
Milk Ejection Reflex
Let down
Prolactin and Oxytocin is also released
Causes muscle like cells in the alveoli of the breast to contract and milk go into ducts
Milk will freely flow with the reflex occurs
Causes: other babies crying, eating or drinking fluids
Can occur more than once in a feeding