Breast Cancer Flashcards
What is the main form of breast cancer and where is it most commonly found
Most breast cancers are adenocarcinomas
Most common location if upper outer quadrant
Name some risk factors for breast cancer
Uninterrupted menses
Early menarche
Late menopause
Reproductive history - pregnancy protective
Breast feeding protective
Obestiy and high fat diet
Exogenous ostrogens
Atypical changes on previous biopsy
Previous breast cancer
Hereditary - BRCA1/2, p53
Describe in situ carcinomas
In situ are where neoplastic cells are limited to ducts and lobules by basement membrane
Myoepithelial cells are not preserved
Does not invade vessels -> does not metastasise
May spread through ducts and lobules -> can spread throughout breast
Have central necrosis with calcification
Describe invasive carcinomas
Invasive carcinomas have neoplastic cells which invade beyond the basemenet membrane and into the stroma -> metastasise
Most likely have axillary lymph node metastases if cancer palpable
What is Paget’s disease of the breast/nipple
Where the neoplastic cells extend to the nipple skin without crossing the basement membrane
Have unilateral, red and crusting nipple
What investigations are done to help diagnose breast cancer
Clinical - history, family history, examination
Core biopsy
Fine needle aspiration cytology
What is the treatment of breast cancer
Breast surgery - mastectomy/breast conserving surgery
Axillary surgery
Post-operative radiotherapy to chest and axilla
Sentinal lymph node biopsy