Breast Cancer Flashcards
Most common type of breast cancer?
Invasive ductal carcinoma (75%)
RF for breast cancer?
Increased oestrogen exposure
BRCA1 (breast and ovarian)
BRCA2 (female and male breast)
Clinical presentation?
Breast mass (most common) Nipple discharge Skin changes (tethering, P'eau d'orange) Regional lymphadenopathy Metastatic symptoms e.g. SCC (rare)
Others: weight loss, fatigue
- Mammography
- screening - every 3 years between 50-70yrs
- Pre-op B/L - Diagnostic = biopsy (usually Fine needle aspiration (FNAC))
- Isoptopic bone scan and liver imaging with high risk disease
Grade 1 = well differentiated
Grade 3 = poorly differentiated
T, N, M
T1 = invasice <2cm T2 = invasive <5cm T3 = invasive >5cm
N1 = mobile axillary nodes N2 = fixed axillary nodes N3 = internal mammary LN
Stage 0 = Tis, N0, M0
Stage 1 = T1, N0, M0
Stage 2 = T0/T1/T2, N1, N0 or T3, N0, M0
Stage 3 = T or N > stage 2
Stage 4 = any with M1
Management (surgery and radiotherapy)
- Surgery - mastectomy or wide local excision (WLE)
- Axillary LN assessment in all post-op pts
- Radiotherapy - adjuvant
- all WLE pts
- pts with high recurrence risk
- palliative for recurrent local disease
Systemic management
Chemo/endocrine - things to consider:
- ER +ve = good response and prognosis
- HER2 = poor prognosis, good response
- Menopausal status
Chemo - adjuvant better response in younger patients
- used in palliative
Endocrine management
- Tamoxifen (in ER +ve) - 20mg a day for 5 years
- SE - hot flushes, Increased VTE, increased endometrial - Aromatase inhibitors in post-menopasual women e.g. anastrazole
- increased efficacy and decreased toxicity than tamoxifen
- Increased osteoporosis - Herceptin in HER2 +ve pts
Ovarian ablation
Rtx induced menopause
LHRH agonists
–>Significantly reduces recurrence in pre-menopausal women
Prognosis (5-year survival)
stage 1 = 84%
2 = 71%
3 = 48%
4 = 18%