Breast CA Flashcards
commonest type of breast CA?
• invasive ductal (70 percent)
pre-malignant types?
have not breached the basement membrane
- ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
- lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
- atypical ductal hyperplasia
Ex findings?
• majority have palpable lump in breast other Ex: • skin changes (dimpling, ulcer) • breast pain • change in size or shape • nipple changes (inversion, discharge, rash) • ↑ lymph nodes
Hx: patient comes in with eczematoid skin and painful itching in breast, bloody nipple discharge and a lump?
• unilateral = Paget’s disease of the breast (half are malignant)
• if bilateral, then consider breast eczema
Hx: patient presents with peau d’orange (skin like the surface of an orange), itch, inflammation (pain, swelling, warmth) and nipple inversion?
• inflammatory breast CA
what ↑ risk of breast CA?
- age
- O exposure (HRT, OCP, nulliparous, BMI)
- white ethnicity
- alcohol
- radiotherapy
- GENES: BRCA, p53, PTEN mutation
when and how often is breast CA screening?
- age 50-70
* every 3 years
if positive for BRCA, what age and how screened?
age 30-49
annual MRI
Ix breast ca?
1) Hx and Ex
2) Imaging (mammagram, US if <35, +/- MRI if discrepancy
3) Histology (FNA cytology +/- core needle biopsy)
- also bloods (FBC, LFTs, Ca++ - looking for mets)
- CXR, abdo US, bone scan, CT (mets again)
- screening for mets happens if stage 3-4 or large tumour etc
Hx: patient with breast lump also presents with SOB, bone pain, neuro Sx and hepatomegaly?
breast CA mets
Tx breast CA?
• MDT approach
• annual mammogram for 5 years
• CA15-3 can be used to monitor Tx response in metastatic CA
medical: • radio adjuvant if bad • chemo if young or high grade • endocrine therapy if ER +ve (for years) - tamoxifen (1st line premenopausal) - aromatase inhibitors - anastrozole (1st line postmenopausal) • Herceptin if Her2/EGFR2 +ve • bisphosphonates
surgical: • stage 1-2 operable, 3-4 less so • wide local excision • mastectomy • (*blue dye injected for sentinel node)
complications breast CA?
• mets
- bone (pain, pathological #, Tx with bisphos and radio)
- **spinal cord compression (2’ to bone mets)
- liver (hepatomegaly)
- lung (pleural effusion)
- CNS (headache, neuro Sx)
- **carcinomatous meningitis (patchy CN lesions, headache)
• lymphoedema (from node removal)
• ↑↑Ca++
when to urgently refer?
• >30yrs with unexplained breast lump
• >50yrs with Sx or changes to one nipple
+/- • skin changes, >30 years with axillary lump