Breast Flashcards
Describe the anatomy of the breast
The breast is a large sweat gland modified to produce milk (instead of sweat).
The female breast is made up of approximately 15-25 lobes - each composed of groups of lobules.
COOPER’S DROOPERS = cooper’s ligaments hold up the breast
The entire duct + lobular system is lined by epithelium surrounded by a basement membrane
What is the functional unit of the breast
The Terminal Duct Lobular Unit (TDLU)
Explain the production of milk
The lobule (TDLU) is composed of multiple acini (glands) and it is within the acini that the milk is produced. The milk drains via the terminal ducts into the main duct system of the breast - eventually opening out at the nipple where the baby suckles.
What is the most likely cause of a breast lump in a young woman
- Fibroadenoma
- Fibrocystic change
Cancer is much less common
What is the most likely cause of a breast lump in an older woman
- cancer is an important cause
- fibroadenoma
- fibrocystic changes
can both still occur
How would you investigate a breast lump
Triple assessment
What is triple assessment
- Clinical = history + examination
- Radiological = <35 years undergo ultrasound (breast tissue much denser) >35 years undergo mammogram (identifies micro calcifications and densities)
- Pathological - FNA / core biopsy
How do you interpret FNA/core biospy
C = FNA cytology; B = biopsy
C1/B1 = inadequate or not diagnostic C2/B2 = benign eg. fibroadenoma, fibrocystic change C3/B3 = equivocal, favour benign C4/B4 = equivocal, favour malignant C5/B5 = malignant - although this category also includes DCIS
What is a fibroadenoma
The commonest benign tumour of the breast.
Who gets fibroadenomas
Typically women under the age of 30
How does fibroadenoma present
Firm, mobile, painless lump.
May be multiple.
The tumour is well circumscribed and composed of well differentiated glands embedded in a well differentiated connective tissue stroma
How are fibroadenomas managed
Reassurance and discharge
What is fibrocystic change
A variety of benign, non-neoplastic changes in the breast which are the result of minor aberrations in the normal response to cyclical hormonal changes.
The changes affect the TDLU (functional unit of the breast) - which is characterised by fibrosis (scarring) and cyst formation
Who gets fibrocystic change
Typically seen in women 25 - 45
How does fibrocystic change present
- Breast pain
- Tenderness
- Lumps/cysts (“lumpy bumpy breasts”)
This is especially likely during the second half of the menstrual cycle
What is the management of fibrocystic change
Treatment options include: reassurance; analgesics; cyst aspiration; excision (rare)
What is the most common cancer in the UK
Breast cancer
Who gets breast cancer
Women (>99% of cases)
Rare before 25
Most common between 40 and 70 (80% diagnosed in >50yrs)