Breast Flashcards
Asymmetric breast should make you think of ….
Shrinking breast of invasive lobular breast cancer.
Major blood supply and lymphatics of breast
Internal mammary , the rest goes to the lateral thoracic and intercostal perforator. Nearly all 97% of lymph drains to axilla, the remaining goes to the internal mammary nodes.
Axillary lymph node level
Level 1: Lateral to pec minor Level 2: Under Pec Minor Level 3: medial to Pec Minor Rotter node: between pec major and minor
Sternalis muscle
Non functional muscle next to the sternum, can stimulate a mass. It is only seen on CC view and never on MLO
Most common location for ectopic breast tissue
Axilla and inframammary fold.
Breast changes during HRT:
Breast gets more dense- breast pain may occur. Fibroadenoma may grow.
Breast changes during: Follicular phase: Day 7-14 Luteal phase: Day 15-30
Follicular phase: Oestrogen dominant- best time to have mammo and MRI Luteal phase: Progesterone dominant- breast tenderness. Increased breast density.
Breast changes during: Menopause Perimenopause
Menopause: Lobules go down. Ecstatic ducts.Popcorn calcification of fibroadenoma. Perimenopause: Shortening of follicular phase - less oestrogen and more progesterone: more breast pain, more fibrocystic change, more cyst formation.
Breast changes during pregnancy
Tubes and ducts proliferate. Breast gets denser- more hypo echoic on USS.
Most cancers start in…
TDLU: terminal duct lobule unit
Mammography and breast MRI IS BEST PERFORMED IN…. phase
Follicular phase ( day 7-14)
Fibroadenomas will degenerate in menopause with … calcification
benign fat containing lesion. Usually seen on cessation of lactation. Location: subareolar FAT- FLUID level.
mets to internal mammary nodes are uncommon- it is seen in which type of cancer?
seen in medial cancers
When to get LMO view of breast?
Kyphosis Pectus excavatum To avoid medial pacemaker/central line.
When using spot compression views: - Collimator open: - Small paddle : - Large paddle:
Collimator open: large FOV. Small paddle : better focal compression. Large paddle: Good visualisation of land marks.
Which views are obtained when using magnification views?
CC and ML ( true lateral) ML as opposed to MLO to help catch milk of calcium.
Name the artefacts: Coopers too thick for normal skin.
Blur artefact Thick coopers ligament: - Is the skin thickened? oedema - Is the skin normal? Blur artefact
When would you see blur artefact?
- Patient moved 2. Exposure too long 3. Exposure was too short
When would you NOT use grid in mammography?
No grid on magnified view.
Re localising a lesion: A lesion that is medial on CC will become more…. on MLO and even more … on ML
A lesion that is medial on CC will become more SUPERIOR on MLO and even more SUPERIOR on ML. M for Muffin RISE
Re localising a lesion: A lesion that is lateral on CC will become more…. on MLO and even more … on ML
A lesion that is lateral on CC will become more INFERIOR on MLO and even more INFERIOR on ML L for Lead SINKS
Localising lesion only seen on CC view: What would you do?
Rolled CC view.
How would you interpret rolled CC view?
Superior tumours move in the same direction you ROLL. Inferior tumours move in the opposite direction you ROLL. Superior mass on CC –(roll medial)–> moves the cancer medially Superior mass –(roll lateral)–> moves lateral Inferior mass –(roll medial)–> Moves lateral Inferior mass– (roll lateral)–> Moves medial
Name the calcification: anywhere women sweat- they are groped like a bear. They stay in the same place on CC and MLO view- TATTOO sign What would you do to confirm your diagnoses?
Dermal calcification You would do a tangential view.
Big calcification towards the nipple. Usually bilateral. BUZZWORD: - cigar shaped with lucent centre or - Dashes but no dots. 10-20 years after menopause
Secretory calcfication
Egg shell calcification
fat necrosis from any trauma- if they are big: liponecrosis macrocystica
Irregular in shape calcification with lucent centre
dystrophic calcification after radiation, trauma, or surgery
- What is milk of calcium? 2. What is it due to?
- On CC: powdery and spread out calcification On MLO they may layer- on ML: tea cup appearance 2. It is fluid-fluid in a lobule- due to fibrocystic change.
How is milk of calcium viewed?
with polarised light to assess birefringence
Ddx amorphous Ca
Fibrocystic change- most likely Sclerosing adenosis Columnar cell change DCIS- low grade
Ddx coarse heterogenous Ca: (4)
Ddx Fine pleomorphic Ca Countable, sharp tip, < 0.5mm, different shapes and sizes
Fibroadenoma Papilloma Fibrocystic change DCIS- High grade
Fine linear branching Ca
DCIS or atypical look for secretory calc or vascular calcs
Puff of smoke or warning shot sign?
calcification associated with focal asymmetry/mass
What is the diagnosis? thromboses vein presenting as a tender palpable cord.
Mondor disease- You don’t anticoagulant for it, its not a DVT. Treatment: NSAID and warm compresses.
BUZZWORD for breast hamartoma
Breast within breast on mammo Difficult to see on USS
Breast lipoma
radiolucent with no calcification. Enlargement of a lipoma is criteria for biopsy.