Break downs Flashcards
Can you change Esua
Habukkuk 2:4-8 His soul not right.
Psalms 58:3-7 lies from birth ( Death snake)
Psalms 64:2;6 every one of them
They will Have to give us reparation
Job 2:15-18
Isaiah 60:11-13
The Lord will Even get the edomite in the underground bonkers
You Must be harder on Your Daughters
Sirach 7:23-25
It a terrible thing for women not to have children.
1 Timothy 5:14 Let the younger Marry
Genesis 29:31 God blessed Leah with children
2 Samuel 6:20-23
What does the Bible Say about swearing?
Matthew 5:33-37 dont make Oaths
Deuteronomy 23:21-23 Dont be slack to pay your oath
James 5:12 fall in condemnation
Number 30:2
Ecclesiastes 5:4-6 Delay not to pay
How do you get rid of a multitude of sin?
James 5:19-20
Galatians 6:1
You must submit to the powers that be
1 Peter 2:13-15 submit to every ordinance.
Roman 13:1-5
1 Esdra 8:24 Death, or penalty of Money
Ezra 7:26 banishment and Confiscation of Good
Titus 3:1 be subject to principalities
Matthew 5:25 Agree with you adversary quickly.
What were Prophet called in old times?
1 Samuel 9:9
“(Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to enquire of God, thus he spake; Come, and let vs go to the Seer: for he that is now called a Prophet, was beforetime called a Seer.)”
Jonah 3:5-7 Taste Anything
1 Esdras 9:1-2 eat no Meat drink no water
1 Corinthians 7:5 No sex
Isaiah 58:5 Fasting= Afflicting your soul
Matthew 6:16-18 dont make it obvious ( too be seen
3rd eye Precepts
Matthew 6:23
Eph 1:18
2 Peter 2:14
Christian says Judge Not that ye be not Judge?
Matthew 7:1-5
You Must Asks God for the things you want
Matthew 7:7-8
We are to Teach with all authority
Matthew 7:28-29
What scripture proves the ancient Egyptian are Black?
Psalms 105:23- EGYPT THE LAND OF HAM
See Ham in the Zonervan Compact Dictionary.
Is Coffin are Custom?
Genesis 50:26-
- Joseph was embalmed and put in a coffin in Egypt
What are the 7 pillar in Proverb 9:1?
Isaiah 11:2
“And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;”
Will China be the Next World Super Power?
2 Esdras 15:46 And thou, Asia, that art partaker of the hope of Babylon, and art the glory of her person:
2 Esdras 15:47 Woe be unto thee, thou wretch, because thou hast made thyself like unto her; and hast decked thy daughters in whoredom, that they might please and glory in thy lovers, which have always desired to commit whoredom with thee.
2 Esdras 15:48 Thou hast followed her that is hated in all her works and inventions: therefore saith God,
2 Esdras 15:60 And in the passage they shall rush on the idle city, and shall destroy some portion of thy land, and consume part of thy glory, and shall return to Babylon that was destroyed.
Paul was putting people from the church to death
Act 22:4 I persecuted unto Death. and through Men and women in prison
Isaiah 1:16 - wash you, make you clean
Jeremiah 2:22 - thou wash thee with nitre; and take thee much soap
Matthew 3:6 - were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins.
John 4:1-2 - though Jesus himself baptized not
John 15:3 - now ye are clean through the word
Ephesians 5:26 - washing of water by the word
1 Peter 3:21 - baptism answer of a “good conscience”
Psalms 147:19-20 - sheweth his word unto Jacob
Baruch 3:36 - all the way of knowledge
Romans 3:1-2 - unto them were committed the oracles of God
Genesis 42:7-8 - Joseph mistaken for Egyptian
Exodus 2:19 - Moses looked Egyptian
Exodus 4:6-7 - as his other flesh
Numbers 12:9-12 - leper white as snow
Acts 21:37-39 - Paul looked Egyptian
Deuteronomy 7:6 - above all people
Isaiah 41:8 - Israel, art my servant
Isaiah 43:10 - my servant whom I have chosen
Isaiah 44:1-2 - Israel, whom I have chosen