Breach of the Peace (PC 42.01) Flashcards


an individual can be convicted of disorderly conduct if they intentionally or knowingly do any of the following:

Expose their sexual organs, genital, or anus in public
Use indecent, profane abusive, or vulgar language in a public space and the language incites an immediate breach of peace
Discharge a firearm on or across a public road
Make offensive gestures or displays in a public area, and said gesture/display incites an immediate breach of peace
Display a deadly weapon or firearm in a public place with the intent to alarm
Create a noxious and unreasonable odor by chemical means in a public place
Discharge a firearm in a public place other than a public road or shooting range
Fight with another person in a public
Abuse or threaten a person in a public place in an obviously offense manner
Make unreasonable noise in a place other than a shooting range or in a or near a private residence of which they have no right to occupy

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