BRCA1/2 breast and ovarian cancer Flashcards
Low risk screening for breast cancer
Discharged back ti referrer
NHS breast screening 50-70
Moderate risk breast cancer actions taken
Seen in clinic/discharged w advice letter
Annual mammography 40-50 years
NHS breast screening programme 50-70 and 70+
Chemoprevention advice eg tamoxifen, reloxifen, aromatase inhibitors
Most common cancers referred to genetics
Breast, bowel, ovarian
Criteria for family history of cancer
Young age at onset
Number/pattern of similar tumours one side family
Multiple primaries in one individual
Type of cancer eg triple negative breast cancer
Ethnicitiy eg chinese, indian, ashkenazi jewish ancestry
Results of genetic testing
What should be done for women at high risk of breast cancer
Seen in clinic
Annual mammography 40-60 years
Genetic testing
Chemoprevention advice
NHS screening breast
Risk reducing surgical options MAY be discussed
Chemoprevention breast caner
tamoxifen, reloxifen, aromatase inhibitors
What is offered to patients at very high risk of breast cacner eg BRAC1 families
Seen in clinic, genetic testing
Chemoprevention advice
Annual MRI from 30-50
Annual mammography 40-70
NHS breast screening 70+
Bilateral risk reducing mastectomy
Prophylactic bilatieral salpingo-oopherectomy - BSO - ovarian
What can be offered if high lifetime risk of voarian cancer
Prophylactic bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy (BSO) if high lifeimte risk of ovarian cancer
Considered from 40 onwards
Who is the v high risk category breast cancer
Known gene alteratino
>30% probability of BRCA/PALB2 alterations
TP53 - annual MRI from 20-70
Who is chemoprevention for inherited breast cancer not typically recommended in
BRCA1 alterations
What patients are low risk of inherited breast cancer
Older age of onset
Different sides of family
NHS breast screening 50-70 and 70+
When is BRCA 1/2 indicated in breast cancer
Manchester >15 (10% likleihood for BRCA variant)
What is the manchester scoring system
Probability of presence of BRCA1/2 genes in families w sus hereditary breast and ovarian cnacer
Who should be offered BRCA testing
MSS >15
Triple negative breast cancer <50 years
What is offered to women of ashkenazi jewish heritage with breast cancer
testing for 3 ashkenazi founder mutations
Full screen if meet other criteria