Brazil Flashcards
What is the net migration in Brazil?
- 500,000 every four years
there is a slowing down of emigration of…
lower skilled economic migrants to USA
Increasing emigration of …
highly skilled workers to Europe, USA and Japan
There has been lots of in-migration from…
Haiti and increasingly from African countries using Ecuador and Chile as transit countries
why were there lots of international labour migrants in 2014 and 2016?
Construction workers for the 2014 world cup and the 2016 Olympics
Where and why has there been INTERNAL migration?
from the North to the biggest cities in the South
What have the Changes in patterns of immigration and emigration been?
- Late 19th century to early 20th century: Brazil was a net recipient of migrants
- Draw of agricultural workers from Italy and Portugal to coffee plantations
- Slowing of immigration into Brazil in the last 15 years
- 80,000 fewer migrants in Brazil at the start of the century
Brazil –> Portugal migration:
- have had a bilateral relationship.
- Brazil was a former colony of Portugal and today, the Portuguese gov still gives special status to Brazilian migrants
- shared language, ancestry and family ties make integration easier
Brazil –> USA
- thousands of low skilled economic migrants remit loads of money and skills and knowledge when returning, adding to Brazilian development.
- High skilled Brazilians increasingly finding work in the USA, also in teaching.
- US AID gives back many environmental projects, for example training tribes to protect their land from forest fires, and helping the Brazilian gov in implementing laws.
Brazil –> Haiti
- The Brazilian gov has made it easier for Haitian immigrants to obtain Visas and therefore reduce there trafficking networks.
- This has made it easier for Haitians to recover from the massive earthquake in 2010 - made immigration into Brazil from Haiti grown by 900%
- Many go to the South east Brazil where low skilled jobs in agriculture and factories are available.
- 23% of Haiti’s GDP is from remittances
Impact of Brazils migration on economic development:
- Recent arrivals of highly skilled workers help entrepreneurship, innovation and reducing gaps in the labour market.
- Waves of immigration from Portugal and japan have helped the agricultural sector
- Migrant remittances (0.2% of Brazils GDP) spent on house improvements, AD, education
Impact of Brazils migration on political Stability
- Brazil has a stable and democratic political system, also a member of G20 and one of the BRIC group of emerging countries.
- Membership of Mercosur - a trading bloc of trade, capital and labour migration… has helped build stability and SA integration
- Stable political relationships with countries which it has bilateral migrant flows - USA, Japan and Portugal
Impact of Brazils migration on Social Equality
- There are inequalities between ethnic groups, housing, access to jobs, services and healthcare.
- Lots of poverty in rural areas or in favelas where the poor migrate to
- There is prejudice and discrimination in the labour market, especially against black and indigenous populations, impeding there full economic and social potential.