Brave Meerkats + Grumpy Giraffes Flashcards
a phrasal verb that means to create OR an unexpected occurrance
So who can ____ ___ with some good ideas for the next sprint?
Sorry something has ____ ___ , I can’t go to the meeting today. (unnexpected occurance)
come up
So who can come up with some good ideas for the next sprint?
Sorry something has come up, I can’t go to the meeting today. (unnexpected occurance)
Be right back
Speak up has 2 meanings
- _____
- _____
Speak up
- Speak louder
- Express your opinion openly
to experience problems with audio and video working irregularly =
We use 2 phrasal verbs to express this
breaking up / cutting out
You have to leave a meeting, what phrasal verb can you use?
step out + time OR reason I need to step out for 10 minutes I need to step out for another meeting
not loud or clear because the mic is obstructed in some way; muted.
“Sorry your mic is a bit ______, can you try to adjust it please?”
“Sorry your mic is a bit muffled, can you try to adjust it please?”
a delay between a user performing an action on a computer, and the computer reacting =
“I think there is a ____ with the video. It doesn’t seem to be in sync with the audio”
A lag
“I think there is a ____ with the video. It doesn’t seem to be in sync with the audio”
I’d like to invite you to dinner.
In English does this mean you are paying? If not, how would you say it to be clear?
To invite = to give an invitation
To treat = to pay
I’d like to treat you to dinner.
Do you want to get a coffee? My treat!
If you don’t understand or can’t hear something, what can you say?
I didn’t catch that?
What was that?
Say that again?
Can you repeat that?
Can you rephrase that? (don’t understand the vocabulary at all)
When I born, I lived in Medellin.
When I was born, I lived in Medellin
I made a lot of travels.
I took a lot of trips.
to travel (verb)
Oh no! He was walking in the office and he _____ over some cords on the floor.
What verb do we use when you hit something with your foot and fall?

Oh no! He was walking in the office and he tripped over some cords on the floor.

What is do we call the middle of the work week in the United States?

It’s hump day!

enthusiastically wait for (phrasal verb)
I’m _____ ____ __ getting fit next year.
look forward to
I’m looking forward to getting fit next year.
appearing (phrasal verb)
Something __ ___ _____ nowhere and hit me in the face.
come out of
Something came out of nowhere and hit me in the face.
discover (phrasal verb)
find out
talk to a few people - research (phrasal verb)
ask around
current task / doing a project / spending time improving something (phrasal verb)
work on
accept defeat (phrasal verb)
give up
talk to someone (phrasal verb)
check in with
solve (phrasal verb)
figure out
Last weekend I was ______ _____ and had to go shopping, to the bank, get a haircut, and pay some bills.
Last weekend I was running errands and had to go shopping, to the bank, get
What are the most common adjectives + about?
I am ______ about
I am angry about the traffic
angry/mad about
happy about
sad about
worried about
excited about
nervous about
What are the most common adjectives + at?
I am ______ at…
I am good at doing something
good/great/excellent at
bad/terrible at
surprised at
What are the most common adjectives + by?
I am ______ by…
I am inspired by something
inspired by
impressed by
amazed by
shocked by
What are the most common adjectives + for?
I am ______ for…
I am famous for something
famous for
responsible for
ready for
sorry for
thankful for
What are the most common adjectives + in?
I am ______ in…
I am experienced in doing something
experienced in
interested in
involved in
disappointed in
What are the most common adjectives + of?
I am ______ of…
I am afraid of something
afraid/scared of
aware of
proud of
capable of
ashamed of
What are the most common adjectives + to?
I am ______ to…
I am accustomed to doing something
addicted to
dedicated to
married to
similar to
committed to
What are the most common adjectives + with?
I am ______ with…
I am bored with something
fed up with
familiar with
satisfied with
ok with
When you have to do something unexpected with no preparation
To put someone on the spot
An expression that means “To improvise”
To wing it / To play it by ear
Something that you memorize
I know the entire anthem _____ ____.
Learn/Know by heart
Sebastian learned the multiplication table by heart
Something really difficult to do
It was ___ _____ ____ to get the kids to work together.
Like pulling teeth
It was like pulling teeth to get the kids to work together.
To voluntarily make something worse
Yesterday, I ____ ____ _____ when I volunteered to help my mom with shopping.
To shoot oneself in the foot
Yesterday, I shot myself in the foot when I volunteered to help my mom with shopping.
When you get scared to do something and you don’t take action or you don’t show up
My friend ____ ____ ____ and did not show up on his wedding day.
My friend got cold feet and did not show up on his wedding day.
Cold feet
When you get relieved (feel relaxed, you can take a deep breath) after finishing a difficult task (idiom)
take a load off my (back/feet/mind)
My brother always bothers me because he steals my clothes. He is really _______.
to bother = annoying
When something is uncomfortable or weird
when you can’t tolerate it
You are tired of something
I’m so ____ __ ___ the delivery company because they never come on time and really annoys me.
I’m so ___ __ this flu. It has been 2 weeks already.
to be fed up with
to be sick of
to be very enthusiastic or excited (british)
to be keen on
un/a lambón
a suck-up
a kiss-ass
a brown-noser
a tool or instrument to get blood or give vaccines with
A person looking for a ride and they put their thumb up.
a part of your body where the blood flows through.
What is the past of the following:
How do you pronounce them?
bring - brought
buy - bought
catch - caught
fight - fought
seek - sought
teach - taught
think - thought
/gh/ is silent
They ALL rhyme with /NOT/
When you get in trouble with:
your mom, she ______ you
your boss, they ____
When you get in trouble with:
Your mom, she punishes you.
your boss, they tell you off. (for both)
What is a key fact, point, or idea to be remembered, typically one emerging from a discussion or meeting. (hint: also a phrasal verb)
a takeaway
NOUN: What is the takeaway from today’s meeting?
PHRASAL VERB: What would we like to take away from this meeting today?
What does “cheers” stand for?
NOUN: cheer = happiness
VERB: to cheer = to encourage a someone or a team
When you arrive before or at the exact time you are ___ time.
When you arrive before or at the exact time you are ON time.-
If you arrive late, you are late ___ work
If you arrive late, you are late FOR work
When something doesn’t work (or function), it broke _____
When something doesn’t work (or function), it BROKE DOWN
What’s another word for emotion or feeling?
I’m ___ a bad/good _____
I’m IN a bad/good MOOD
When you want to make someone happy or feel better you…(phrasal verb)
-You CHEER them UP
_____ a reservation
MAKE a reservation
Another word for injury?
Another word for cured?
Another word for injury? = WOUND
Another word for cured? = HEALED
-When you can’t do anything about a situation so your… (expression)
My hands are tied
-When something is difficult but can still be acheived. (Expression)
an uphill battle
-When you act too slow to take advantage of something you….
missed the boat
-You don’t have the resources it is a _____ ____for you.
not probable
-You don’t have the resources it is a long shot for you.
A long shot
I will need to ____ ____ ____ _____ and figure out how to solve them.
-When you have to deal with a series of difficult obstacles, you…..
I will need to roll with THE punches and figure out how to solve them.
…roll with punches
-We had to go with our ____ _____ and just do a staycation because my wife as to work.
Final opportunity (expression)
we had to go with our last resort and just do a staycation because my wife as to work.
the last resort
We finished class early so we will ___ it __ earlier than usual
An expression to conclude something
We finished class early so we will wrap it up earlier than usual
Hint: Before you give a gift, the final details are to wrap it up ;)
What are some ways to say you are rich?
to BE:
filthy rich
When you CAN/CANNOT/ COULD(N’T) pay for..
I couldn’t ______ this car so I bought a motorcycle.
I couldn’t afford this car so I bought a motorcycle.
lend vs borrow?
lend (to give to someone temporarily)
borrow (to take something from someone remporarily)
I can lend YOU my car
You can borrow my car
unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something.
“we will not tolerate this _______ media coverage”
“we will not tolerate this biased media coverage”