Brainstem localisation Flashcards
Limitations of rules of 4
No anterior-posterior rules
CN3 palsy TRO long tract signs
Long tract sign - look for pronator drift - brainstem disorder (midbrain)
Medial midbrain syndrome - Weber syndrome
All CN 3 4 6 palsies must check pronator drift!
CN6 palsy TRO long tract
Look for pronator drift - pontine lesion
Look for CN7 pay
Medial pontine syndrome - Millard Gubbler
Anisocoria, bhlepharoptosis, uvula deviated
look at the eyelid of normal eye - will not cover the iris
Inverse ptosis / upside down ptosis /bhlepharoptosis - lower eyelid covers part of the eyelid
> Horner syndrome
Lateral medullary syndrome
Right tongue wasting, pronator drift
Medial medullary syndrome - Derjerine syndrome
Isolated LE adduction defect
Intranuclear ophthalmoplegia - INO
- Test MLF - saccade (hardest and most stressful), pursuit, conjugate gaze (convergent divergent)
- Ddx: demyelination disorder - MS, NMO (younger pt), ischaemic cause - stroke (older pt)
- MRI brain demyelination protocol with contrast vs stroke protocol
Check saccades - test adduction defect properly
Check vergence - prove defect above nerve/ muscle
Check concomitant cranial nerve deficits
Demonstrate long tract signs
Other causes of INO: Wernicke encephalopathy
Very rarely partial 3rd nerve palsy or medial rectus injury
- 3rd nerve travels in bundle - usually won’t only hit 1 muscle (medial rectus entrapment) and sparing everyon else
Addressing INO myths
Covering one eye, diseased eye will recover ??
- Conjugate gaze occurs even with just 1 eye and still requires MLF
To test supranuclear localisation, do VOR ??
- Shaking the head will not recover, MLF still needed