What is the axilla, and what is its primary function?
The axilla is a pyramidal space transitioning between the neck and arm. It serves as a passage for nerves, vessels, and muscles connecting the upper limb to the trunk.
What structures form the axilla?
The axilla is composed of the clavicle, scapula, upper thoracic wall, humerus, and related muscles.
What are the boundaries of the axilla?
The boundaries are:
1. Apex
2. Anterior wall: Pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, subclavius, clavipectoral fascia
3. Posterior wall: Scapula, subscapularis, latissimus dorsi, teres major
4. Medial wall: Ribs, intercostal muscles, serratus anterior, & Intercostobrachial nerve: Supplies skin of the upper posteromedial arm.
5. Lateral wall: Intertubercular sulcus of the humerus (medial & lateral lip + floor)
6. Base: Clavipectoral fascia, skin dome, anterior/posterior axillary folds.
What are the key structures of the anterior axilla?
they pass through ___
which artery
which nerve and what does it innervate
- Major structures passing through the clavipectoral fascia.
- Lateral thoracic artery (inferior to pectoralis minor).
- Medial pectoral nerve (penetrates pectoralis minor, innervates pectoralis major and minor).
What does the base of the axilla consist of?
Clavipectoral fascia and a dome of skin spanning the walls, with anterior/posterior axillary folds.
What are the major contents of the axilla?
___ of upper limb
upper limb innerv & ___
which 2 proximal arm muscles
____ process of breast
- Major vessels of the upper limb
- Upper limb innervation (brachial plexus) and lymphatics
- Proximal arm muscles: Biceps brachii and coracobrachialis
- Axillary process of the breast.
What are the three cords of the brachial plexus in the axilla?
- Posterior cord: C5-C8, T1
- Lateral cord: C5-C7
- Medial cord: C8, T1