Brains Consciousness and The Thinking Machine Course Flashcards
Who invented the difference engine?
Charles Babbage
Who wrote “The Difference” Engine?
William Gibson and Bruce Sterling
What does psychoanalysis mean?
psy·cho·a·nal·y·sis ˌsīkōəˈnaləsəs/ noun a system of psychological theory and therapy that aims to treat mental disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind and bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind by techniques such as dream interpretation and free association.
When was the 30 Years war?
What Philosopher faught in the 30 years war?
Rene Descartes
What is the goal of Philosophy of Mind?
Unified Theory or explaination of Mind
Who were the two sides fighting in the 30 years war?
(1618 - 1648) Initially it was a war between Protestant and Catholic states in the fragmenting Holy Roman Empire. Also, The Hapsburgs and The French.
When was the term psychoanalysis coined?
What is the name of William James first Book?
The Principles of Psychology - Two Volumes
still reads as half Psychology and half Philosophy
Who is This Person and what is their importance?
Who is this person and what is their contribution to Brain Consciousness field?
William James. Father of Psychology
Who is William James?
Taught Philosophy at Harvard but developed on aspect of Philosophy enough that it could be called a science of its own. Psychology.
What is the Relationship Between Philosophy and The Sciences?
Originally no distinction
Eventually group of knowledge became distinguished enough/established to peal off on their own.
Mathematics (Pythagoriens never drew distinctions between)
Astronomy (100 - 150AD)
Physics (after Newton but Newton thought he was a natural Philosopher)
Philosophy of Man to Anthropology
Social Philosophy
Philosophy of Mind
What does Philosophy mean? Love of Wisdom
What is the name of Descartes Robot Daughter?
Who is This Person and what is their importance?
Who is this person and what is their contributions to the field of Brain Consciousness?
Marvin Minsky
He is a pioneer of artificial intelligence and asked the question “Aren’t you just a meat machine?” Are you a meat machine that thinks creatively and feels. What is so special about the meat?
What happened on the ship during Descartes trip to Sweden?
Descartes said he was traveling with his daughter but no one had seen her. When a crew member entered his room to look for her he found a robot atomoton.
Who is this person?
Queen Christina of Sweden
Who did Queen Christina of Sweden summon as a tutor for herself?
Rene Descartes
Who is Marvin Minsky and what is his contribution to the field of Brain Consciousness?
He is a pioneer of artificial intelligence and asked the question “Aren’t you just a meat machine?” Are you a meat machine that thinks creatively and feels. What is so special about the meat?
Who is This Person and what is their importance?
Who is This Person and what is their importance?
Charles Babbage
What does Cartesian Dualism Say about Stuff?
It says that physical stuff is supremely objective and mental stuff is supremely objective.
What is Cartesian Dualism?
There are two basic kinds of things in the universe. The physical stuff (mass, energy and the motion of atoms in the void) and the mental stuff (the taste of pinapple or feel of ice).
What is the name of Descartes book that tries to create a unity of philosophical thinking that is as solid as mathamatics?
How do I know I am not dreaming?
What do Cartesian Coordinates allow you to calculate?
The spaciality of a line into a simple equation.
What major piece of conceptual unification, that is crutial to our modern knowledge is Rene Descartes directly responsible for?
Analytical Geometry - our ability to treat matters of two dimentional space in terms of algabraic formula - Cartesian Coordinantes
What were the two books in Rene’s dreams?
A Dictionary (broken fragments of the wisdom of the past) and a book called “The Corpus Poetera” which he saw as a union of all Science.
Who is this person and what is their contribution to Brains and Consciousness?
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - If two things are identical, if they are the same things, what is true of one must be true of the other.
- If we find two things and something is true of one of the things but not of the other then they can be the same things
What is dualism?
dualism definition. In philosophy and theology, any system that explains phenomena by two opposing principles. Many philosophers hold to a dualism of mind and matter, or mind and body. For many theologians, the two principles are those of good and evil.
What are 5 Philosophical facts?
- You have a mind and you also have a body 2. Mind and body work together 3. Bodily behaviour is publicly observable 4. What you do with you mind is not publicly observable 5. The mental realm has privileged access
What was Descartes method?
The method of doubting everything
What analogy is used to illustrate the relationship between minds and brains?
The analogy of your hand and fist. Your hand and fist are not the same thing but they can also not be seen as separate from each other.
What is a major arguement against dualism?
If two things are different how can one thing cause the other? How can a thought cause something physical to happen? Because Dualism separates the mental and the physical rhelms so much it makes their interaction impossible.
What is the second step in Descartes Method?
- Is there anything that I cannot doubt? Yes that I am doubting. If I were to doubt that I was doubting I would still be doubting.
- Is there anything that I cannot be deceived about? Yes that I am thinking. If something were to deceive me about thinking I would still be thinking.
If I am doubting, I must exist. If I am thinking I must exist. If I doubt I must have a mind. If I think, I must have a mind. Therefore, I cannot doubt that I have a mind.
What does dualistic philosophy of the universe??
Mental or subjective and physical or objective divisions of the universe
Who is this person and what is their contribution to Brains and Consiousness?
Antoine Arnauld is contemporary critic of Descartes.
Who is this man and what was his major discovery?
The Phi Phenomenon
Nelson Goodman
What is substance dualism also called?
Cartesian Dualism
What is the definition of dualism?
du·al·ism ˈd(y)o͞oəˌlizəm/ noun the division of something conceptually into two opposed or contrasted aspects, or the state of being so divided. “a dualism between man and nature” PHILOSOPHY a theory or system of thought that regards a domain of reality in terms of two independent principles, especially mind and matter ( Cartesian dualism ). noun: Cartesian dualism
Can you doubt that you are doubting?
No. You would still be doubting.
What is the Cogito?
I think therefore I am. I think therefore I exist.
Who’s theory is called “ Indicenability of Identicals”?
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
What is the meaning of this image?
Combines Nelson Goodman and his discovery The Phi Phenomenon
What happened to Phineas Gage and what is the significance of that?
Iron Rod blasted through his skull while working on the railroad. He had no speech or memory issues but he was a radically different person.
What part of the brain did the rob travel through in Phineas’s head?
Frontal Lobe
When did the Phineas Gage Incident occur?
September 1884
Who is this person?
John W Hinckley
What is the Insanity Defence Reform Act and why did it come into exhistence?
It is the result of public outcry over John W Hickley’s not guilt by reason of mental insanity in the assasination attempt of Ronald Reagan.
Who is this person and what is their contribution to Brains and Consciousness?
Franz Joseph Gall and his was the founder or inventor of the Pseudo-Science Phrenology
Who is John W Hinckley and why is he important?
He tried to kill Ronald Reagan to impress Jody Foster because he was obsessed with her after watching Taxi Driver.
What were Plato’s thoughts on the soul?
Plato’s Soul is a soul that is build of different parts that are located in different parts of the body.
What was Phrenology and what was its purpose?
It was a pseudo-science of measuring and analyzing the skull and its bumps etc to see what kind of person you were or how developed certain parts of your brain were.
How long after the accident did Phineus Gauge survive and at what age did he die?
13 years and 38 years old
Who is this person?
Phineas Gage
Again what are the 5 Philosophical facts?
- You have a mind & You have a body
- These work together
- Your body is physical so what it does is publically observable
- Your mind is essentially private
- Access to your mind is essentially privaledged
What is meant when philosophers refer to phenomenal Consciousness?
The inner rhelm of personal experience. The inner theatre or the body’s reaction to the senses.
What happens when you see?
- There is something in the world which reflects or refracts light
- That light enters your eyes, inpinges on your retina and an image is sent to your brain
This is the Inner Theatre theory of the mind
According to the Inner Theatre perspective, what happens when you imagine something?
Instead of light creating the image from the outside world onto the screen you are internally projecting the image on the screen.