Brain Structure And Aggression Flashcards
Charles Whitman
Charles Whitman (1966) shot 13 people. He left a note saying he was convinced something was making him aggressive. An autopsy revealed a tumour pressing against his amygdala - supports idea of amygdala being responsible for aggression with R.E., validating it
Anderson demonstrated that damage to the prefrontal cortex in infancy increases the risk of aggressive behaviour as an adult. It was also found that the risk is much smaller when damage occurs during adulthood - validates idea that prefrontal cortex damage can lead to APD and aggression as it cannot regulate emotion or guilt
Wong (1997) found reduced amygdala size and increased aggressive activity in violent criminals - validates idea abnormal amygdala leads to aggression due to inability to recognise pain
Aggression could be explain by how someone is brought up - suggests theory is reductionist as it ignores external factors in aggression