brain SK 36 Flashcards
zmeškať, prehliadnuť, minúť
miss (3)
kto chýba?
who is missing?
(choď) okolo (rieky)
follow the river
(choď) po ceste
follow the road
(choď) popri moste
pass the bridge
(choď) po moste
cross the bridge
je to 50 minút pešo / autobusom
it si 50 minutes walk / by bus
musíte sa obrátiť
you have to turn round
je toto priamy autobus na letisko?
is it the direct bus to the airport?
choďte po tejto ulici
go along this street
choďte prvou doľava
take the first left
sledujte značky do Prahy 50 km
follow the Prague signs for about 50 km
pokiaľ dosiahnete …
until you reach …
choď po značkách / šípakach
follow the signs
striedať sa (pri činnosti)
take turns
striedali sa (pri činnosti)
took turns
aká je tvoja predstava?
What do you have in your mind?
čo myslíš?
What do you mean?
či ti vadí?
What do you mind?
steering wheel
v ponuke / výpredaji
on offer
pamätaj na to / mysli na to
bear in mind (b*r)
nedostatok niečoho
lack of…
kufor auta