Brain functions/anatomy Flashcards
What is the frontal lobe of the brain responsible for?
Planning, emotion, mood, behaviour, motor function, smell
What is the parietal lobe responsible for?
Touch, pain, temperature, sensation.
What is the temporal lobe responsible for?
Hearing, language and memory
What is the cerebellum responsible for?
Balance, coordination
What is the occipital lobe responsible for?
Touch, pain, temperature, sensation are controlled by which area of the brain?
Parietal lobe
Hearing, language and memory are controlled by which area of the brain?
Temporal lobe
Which area of the brain controls planning, emotion, mood, behaviour and motor function?
Frontal lobe
What area of the brain controls vision?
Occipital lobe
What area of the brain is responsible for balance, coordination and ‘fine control’ of movement?
What area of the brain is largely responsible for processing of motor input?
Primary motor cortex
What form of memory could be described as consciously accessible?
Declarative memory
What form of memory would include muscle memory, driving etc?
Non-declarative (procedural)
What is the function of the hypothalamus?
Control of autonomic nervous system
(incl. hunger, thirst, sleep, regulation of body temp, emotions and hormone secretion.
What is the role of pituitary gland?
Control of endocrine glands Hormone secretion (bone/muscle growth, stress responses and sexual development)