Brain cells and pain Flashcards
neuron classification: morphology
- The different types of neuron can be classified based on morphology
- Classification in terms of number of neuronal processes (bits that stick out from the cell)
- Bipolar neurons have one axon or dendrite going in and one axon going out.
- Unipolar neurons have only one going in/out.
- Multi-polar neurons neurons have lot of bits (e.g. dendrites) going in.
- Classification in terms of length of the neuronal processes
- For multipolar only
- Golgi I neurons: long axons
Golgi II neurons: shorter axons project locally
- Golgi I neurons: long axons
- Classification in terms of number of neuronal processes (bits that stick out from the cell)
what are neurons for?
- Three major purposes
- Sensation – afferent neurons: to gather and send information from the senses such as touch, smell, sight etc.
- Integration - interneurons: to process all information gathered, thus allowing us to take action.
- Action – motor neurons: to send appropriate signals to effectors
○ Muscles (cardiac, smooth, and skeletal)
neuron classification: function
- Function classification based on whether conveying messages towards, within or away from the central nervous system
- Towards: Sensory neurons (bipolar, unipolar)
The sensory neurons we will look at are called nociceptors – they transmit information about tissue damage to the CNS, where the information is integrated by interneurons to create the sensation of pain.
- Towards: Sensory neurons (bipolar, unipolar)
- An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage.
- We have a clear definition of pain issued by the IASP. It indicates that pain has at least both sensory and emotional components – the emotional aspects is an inherent property. Some other sensations such as loud noises may also be unpleasant emotionally, but pain is different to a loud noise in that is it associated with the perception of actual or potential tissue damage.
Note that, according to the definitions, pain can occur without evidence of actual tissue damage, for example many patients suffering chronic pain have no clear tissue damage, but the pain sensation still resembles that associated with tissue damage (e.g. tenderness, burning) that are inherently unpleasant, but are actually caused by the CNS rather than tissue damage.
sensory and emotional aspects of pain are also associated with cognitive responses, whereby your attention is drawn to the pain, you form memories of the pain, and with that memory you can learn to expect pain in certain situations. It’s also possible to imagine pain and be hypnotised into feeling pain as more or less intense – something that is used therapeutically
- We have a clear definition of pain issued by the IASP. It indicates that pain has at least both sensory and emotional components – the emotional aspects is an inherent property. Some other sensations such as loud noises may also be unpleasant emotionally, but pain is different to a loud noise in that is it associated with the perception of actual or potential tissue damage.
dimensions of pain
○ sensory: type of stimulus, intensity, location
○ affective: unpleasantness, emotions
cognitive: attention, memory, expectation, imagination
sensory/integrative aspects: from receptors to spinal cord to the brain
ensory information is collected from nociceptors and streamed to CNS via peripheral nerves, containing many types of fibres. These consist of pseudo-unipolar neurons. I’ll describe these different types of fibres later.
- In the spinal cord, there are some neurons specialised for processing pain (“nociceptive-specific”) and others that process many types of sensation – these latter are called Wide Dynamic Range neurons and are essential to understanding pain perception. These are multi-polar interneurons, with a long axon, and are also sometimes referred to as projection neurons.
The first major relay station is brainstem nuclei, followed by the thalamus, and then via “third” multi-polar neurons to the cerebral cortex. In addition, there are descending multi-polar interneurons from the brain to the spinal cord that allow cognition to modulate spinal sensitivity to pain
peripheral sensory neurons
- Contain receptors (either cellular, e.g. vision; or molecular, e.g. pain nociceptors)
- Translate receptor codes to neural codes
- Transmit information to CNS
- LEFT: visual sensory neurons are attached to a receptor. Receptors are needed when information is complicated e.g. light captured in the eyes – light is complex to analyse so a neuron by itself would not be able to do that, it needs special receptors (rods and cones in the retina). The neuron translates this complicated information into a simpler neural code or “language” – yes and no, like binary in computers, but the temporal patterns can be complex bursts and we don’t know exactly how neurons code the information they are carrying.
- RIGHT: nociceptors are not attached to a separate receptor. The neuron just needs to know if the tissue is damaged or not and the neuron can do this by itself. However, even though there is no additional cell that acts as a receptor, there are still chemical receptors – transmembrane proteins on the surface of the neuron that sense tissue damage and trigger action potentials.
nociceptors are free nerve endings
Most frequently researched part of the body regarding pain is the skin. Most nociceptors are here. Pain has the function of informing about threat of integrity to body structure – the first thing when injured is damage to the skin as it surrounds all other tissues and organs. We lack nociceptors in brain (except meninges), bone, liver, kidney, lungs
skin has different layers
○ Superficial – epidermis can be removed without bleeding. Contains no nociceptors.
Dermis contains nociceptors. Merkel and Meissner discs detect pressure. Ruffini bodies detect vibration.
○ Blue fibres are nociceptive. Free nerve endings in right in yellow and green. ½ mm depth into skin. Very primitive compared to these complex vibration and pressure sensors.
- Axon originates in DRG and cell extends to spinal cord, so it’s a very long neuron. Perhaps a metre.
how is the presence of skin damage transmitted to the neuron
Coloured parts of figure on axon are molecular receptors – these are sensors. Polymodal – can detect many types of pain. Mechanical (pressure), chemical agents (e.g. capsaicin), heat/cold.
○ Molecular structures now understood – TRP.
○ Each is a protein composed of chain of amino acids.
○ Many thousands protrude the endings of the nerves.
○ Stimulus changes the receptor and causes a change in the conformation of the receptor.
○ This lets in Calcium ions to cause cell depolarisation and action potentials
Capsaicin and TRP-V1
- E.g. capsaicin can cause this change in TRPv1 to cause Ca in-flow.
- Once open, calcium ions to flow inwards. +ve charged. Causes action potential, but using Ca instead of Na. Ca is abundant outside and so flow inside due to concentration gradient. Causes depolarisation and action potential.
Different types of TRP channels: most famous is TRPv1. Capsaicin activates this one. Also responds to mechanical pressure, heat and acid.
- Once open, calcium ions to flow inwards. +ve charged. Causes action potential, but using Ca instead of Na. Ca is abundant outside and so flow inside due to concentration gradient. Causes depolarisation and action potential.
labelled line theory of pain
- Core ideas:
○ Posits that specific neurons, or “lines,” are dedicated to transmitting specific types of sensory information (e.g. temperature, pressure, or a specific type of pain).
○ One-to-one mapping between the activated neuron and the perceived sensation- Caveats:
○ Many neurons are polymodal (that is, respond to more than one stimulus modality)
○ The theory ignores neuronal integration (“cross-talk”) in the spine/brain. - Noxious stimuli can be categorized as supra-threshold mechanical stimuli, like an impact, or chemical stimuli, often resulting from pathological processes such as inflammation. These stimuli act upon specialized ion channels to produce pain. The third type of stimulus that can produce pain is thermal energy, either high or low temperatures. These are the only three types of stimuli that can produce pain, so since nociceptors respond to mechanical, chemical, and thermal energies, we refer to them as polymodal receptors.
Implications: one-to-one mapping between the activated neuron and the perceived sensation. If a “heat-pain” neuron is activated, you feel heat-related pain; if a “mechanical-pain” neuron is activated, you feel pressure-related pain. But this is only true if we ignore the more complex integrative processes in the CNS
- Caveats:
evidence supporting the labelled line theory: different peripheral nerve fibre types
- Different types of fibres (axons) associated with nociception and pain.
- Fibres can be of 4 basic types:
- A type (thicker) due to myelin sheath. Transmit faster.
- A Beta: fast fibres needed to differentiate fine sensations with high fidelity.
- A Delta: slower and transmit pain, but “first pain” (next slide).
C type: no myelin sheath, thin and transmit slower “second pain” (next slide). Also transmit soft comforting sensations.
evidence supporting the labelled line theory: first and second pain- C vs A delta
- A-delta fibers (First Pain)
- “labelled line” for initial, sharp, and localized pain sensation.
- myelinated, for faster signal transmission.
- e.g. immediate sensation from chili peppers (sharp spiciness)
- C-fibers (Second Pain)
- “labelled line” for dull, aching, more diffuse pain that follows the initial sharp pain.
- unmyelinated, resulting in slower signal transmission.
e.g. lingering, diffuse burn from spicy foods.
nociceptive pathway in the spinal cord
- Spinothalamic tract transmits pain to the brain. This is after crossing the spinal cord from right to left. On the left is the dorsal column.
- 10 zones (laminas) have been identified in the spinal cord grey matter, which contain different types of interneurons.
- DRG contains the cell bodies of the peripheral neurons. Here we can see where the neurons, that contribute the axons providing free nerve endings, originate.
- There are many types of interneuron in the spinal cord. Two of these types are SG neurons and WDR neurons. Each is associated with different theories about how pain is encoded in the spinal cord.