Brain and CNS Flashcards
Acute 2Gy:
Encephalitis (hypothalamus) (inflammation of the brain) causes swelling of the head, nausea, vomiting, and headaches
Treatments: paracetamol, ibuprofen, and dexamethasone (for swelling), nausea treated with strong antiemetics such as ondansetron, fatigue light exercise
Chronic: memory impairment, somnolence (drowsiness), headache, seizures, cognitive problems
QUANTEC: A maximum radiation dose of less than 60Gy within the brain creates a less than 3% chance of symptomatic necrosis (occurs months to years post-treatment), for which there is no cure.
Symptoms include headaches, fatigue, nausea, imbalance, extremity weakness, seizures, and speech deficits
Endpoint: Necrosis and infarction (obstruction of blood supply to tissue) occurs months to years post-treatment, for which there is no treatment
Brain Stem
QUANTEC: a maximum radiation dose of less than 54Gy within the whole organ creates a less than 5% chance of endpoint reaction occurring.
Endpoint: neuropathy or necrosis can occur months to years post-treatment, for which there is no cure
Optic Nerve
QUANTEC: A maximum radiation dose of less than 55Gy within the organ creates a less than 3% chance of the endpoint reaction.
Endpoint: Optic neuropathy leading to blindness in associated eye months to year post-treatment, for which there is no cure
Optic Chiasm
QUANTEC: a maximum radiation dose of less than 55Gy within the whole organs creates a less than 3% chance of endpoint reaction occurring
Endpoint: optic neuropathy leading to blindness in both eyes occurring months to years post-treatment, for which there is no cure
46Gy to the whole structure, normal function becomes suppressed, hormone replacement therapy
Spinal Cord
Acute/Chronic: Lhermitte’s syndrome, an electrical sensation running down back to limbs, occurs at 35Gy, usually seen post-treatment
QUANTEC: A maximum radiation dose of 50Gy to the partial organs creates a less than 0.2% chance of the endpoint reaction
Endpoint: radiation-induced myelitis necrosis leading to paralysis, incontinence, and possibly death (c-spine), for which there is no treatment
Laryngitis (swelling)
Dysphagia (breathing) and dysphonia (speaking)
45Gy causes laryngeal oedema (inflammation) and changes in voice quality, which can become permanent at 60Gy
Treatments: Gargle aspirin, lignocaine viscous gel, soft foods, Ensure Plus for weight loss, nasogastric tube, peg tube
QUANTEC: a dose of less than 66Gy within the organ causes a less than 20% chance of vocal dysfunction months post-treatment
Endpoint: chronic laryngitis and necrosis at 70Gy causes cartilage necrosis months to years post-treatment due to vascular damage
Treatments: pain medication, surgical intervention, speech therapy
Parotid Gland
Acute: temporary xerostomia (dryness) and increases risk of tooth decay and gum disease 10-20Gy
QUANTEC: for uni/bilateral parotid glands: a whole/both parotid glands receiving a mean dose of less than 20/25Gy creates a less than 20% chance of long term reduced salivary function by 25%
Mucosa (lips, mouth, and pharynx)
mucositis and stomatitis 20Gy: gargle aspirin and avoid drinking, smoking, and spicy foods
yeast infection and ulceration 30Gy: nystatin
Chronic: mucosal atrophy, ulceration, and telangiectasia
Endpoint: fibrosis (excess fibrous tissue) and necrosis from 60Gy years post-treatment
Thyroid Gland
30Gy: side effects of functional problems, hormone replacement therapy
40-50Gy: radiation-induced osteoradionecrosis resulting in pathological fracture due to impaired vascularization and trauma, years to decades post-treatment. Bone graft.
Eye lens
4Gy: cataracts (years post-treatment), surgical removal
45Gy: endpoint: retinopathy leading to blindness weeks to months post-treatment for which there is no treatment
Facial Muscles (Pterygoid muscle)
TD 5/5 60Gy
Endpoint: trismus (muscle spasms)
Treatment: muscle relaxant
Lacrimal Gland
Endpoint: loss of tears leading to dry eyes and ulceration, occurring weeks to months post-treatment
Treatment: lubricating eye-drops