Brain activity Flashcards
Which brain system/area is linked to aggression?
The Limbic system
What is the Limbic system responsible for?
Fight or flight
What does the Amygdala do?
It is the source of emotions like aggression so higher activity would lead to more aggression
What does the Hypothalamus do?
controls hormone levels like Testosterone so more activity meaning more aggression
What does the PFC do?
responsible for self-control and emotional regulation so more activity meaning less aggression
Which part of the brain carries signals between the other named parts?
Periaqueductal area
What did Raine demonstrate?
NGRI participants had higher activity in the right amygdala and less activity in the PFC
What does KluverBucy Syndrome demonstrate?
Animals with removal or damage to their Amygdala show less aggression
What is a criticism of KluverBucy?
Animals brains and systems are different to humans and so the results might not apply to explain human aggression
What is a mains trength of looking at brain areas for a source of aggression?
This is an empirical explanation as you can measure brain activity levels directly using brain scans making it a more objective and credible explanation of aggression
What is a problem with using brain scans to research aggression in the way this does?
They are low in ecological validty which means the results we get from them might not apply to aggression in real life situations
Why is this theory reductionist?
It ignores other factors which could cause aggression and focuses only on brain activityi.e. ignoring evolution or upbringing
Which of these is an alternative theory saying we might learn aggression from role models around us meaning this theory might be incorrect?
Social Learning Theory