Brain: Flashcards
Hindbrain, Midbrain, and Forebrain
What does the hindbrain, the posterior part of the brain, consist?
The medulla, the pons, and the cerebellum
What forms the brainstem?
The medulla, pons, midbrain, and certain central structures of the forebrain.
The medulla controls several reflexes through _______.
the cranial nerves
A set of 12 nerves that carry sensory and motor information to the head.
cranial nerves
The medulla connects to the ______ and the ________.
head and organs
What are abundant in the medulla?
Opiate receptors
Latin for “bridge”, is a brain structure located anterior and ventral to the medulla in the hindbrain.
The pons contains ________ for several cranial nerves.
It connects _______ from one side of the brain to the other.
Lie in both the pons and medulla. Both systems affect attention and arousal.
Reticular Formation
Raphe System
Organizes sensory information guiding movement and plays a role in functions beyond balance and coordination - shifting attention between auditory and visual stimuli.
Damage to the cerebellum can lead to difficulties in tasks requiring ________ ________.
attention shifts
Cerebellum is essential for judging timing, certain types of _______ and _________.
It contributes to motor readiness through a ________ pathway originating from the substantial nigra in the midbrain.
It is situated in the middle of the brain and is more prominent in reptiles, amphibians, and fish.
the midbrain
What is the roof of the brain?