Bradycardia Flashcards
Bradycardia - Narrow Complex - Regular Rhythm - 4 types
- Sinus Brady
- A flutter with AV Block
- Atrial Tach with AV Block
- Junctional Escape Rhythm
Bradycardia - Narrow Complex - Irregular Rhythm - 7 Types
- Sinus Arrhythmia
- Sinus Arrest
- A fib with Slow Ventricular Rate
- A Flutter with Variable AV Block and Slow Ventricular Rate
- Atrial Tach with variable AV Block and Slow Ventricular Rate
- Mobitz Type I (Wenckebach)
- Mobitz Type II, Second Degree AVB
Bradycardia - Wide Complex - Regular Rhythm - 2 types
- Regular Supraventricular Rhythm with Wide QRS
2. Ventricular Escape Rhythm
Bradycardia - Wide Complex - Irregular Rhythm - 2 Types
- Irregular Supraventricular Rhythm with wide QRS
2. Mobitz Type II, Second degree AVB
What artery supplies SA node?
- Proximal RCA in 65%
- Circumflex in 25%
- Both in 10%
What artery supplies AV node?
- Proximal RCA in 80%
- Circumflex in 10%
- Both in 10%
What is the average drop in heart rate during sleep in young & elderly patients?
- 24 beats in young
- 14 beats in elderly
What are the two categories of Bradycardia?
Narrow-complex and Wide-complex (>120msec)
How many msec are each small box at 25 mm/s?
What are the two electrocardiographic subcategories of narrow-complex bradycardia?
Regular rhythm and Irregular rhythm
What rhythm: atrial rhythm, HR>100, p-wave before every QRS, inverted t waves in inferior leads (Lead II)?
Atrial Tachycardia
Causes of Sinus Bradycardia: Intrinsic SA node dysfunction
- Idiopathic degeneration (aging)
- Ischemia
- Infiltrative disorder (amyloidosis)
- Infections (Chagas disease)
- Collagen Vascular Disease (SLE)
- Myotonic dystrophy
- Surgical trauma (Valve replacement)
Causes of Sinus Bradycardia: Conditions extrinsic to SA node:
- Medications (BB)
- Electrolyte disturbance (hypokalemia)
- Neurally-mediated reflexes (carotid sinus hypersensitivity)
- Hypothyroidism
- Hypothermia
Medications causing Sinus Bradycardia:
- BB
- Digoxin
- Clonidine
- Antiarrhythymics (amiodarone)
What infections cause pulse-temperature dissociation?
-normally for each degree F, there’s 10 bpm HR increase
- Legionella
- Psitaccosis
- Q fever
- Typhoid fever
- typhus
- Babesiosis
- Malaria
- Leptospirosis
- Yellow Fever
- Dengue Fever
- Viral hemorrhagic fevers
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever