brachiopod and bivalves Flashcards
what is the phylum and class of brachiopods?
phylum: brachiopoda
Class: articularta
area marking point of first growth
pedicle foramen
opening through which the pedicle emerges
deltidial plates
covers a triangular area below the foramen
growth lines
represent new layers of shell as the animal grows
where brachial and pedicle valves meet
adductor muscle
contact to keep the shell closed
diductor muscle
contract to open valves
what is the phylum and class of bivalves?
phylum: mollusca
class: Bivalvia
helps to hold the shell together
allows articulation of the valves
pallial sinus
indentation in pallial sinus
adductor muscle scar
scar where muscles are attached to shell
hinge line
plane of symmetry, in bivalves, where two valves are joined together