Brachial Plexus Injuries Flashcards
What is an avulsion injury?
The nerve root is torn off the spinal cord at its origin
What is neurapraxia?
The nerve is stretched and damaged but not torn
What is a nerve rupture?
The nerve is torn at a point along its length
What is axonotmesis?
The nerve is partially severed
The axon and myelin sheath are torn but the surrounding epineurium, perineurium, and connective tissue are preserved
What is a post traumatic neuroma?
A growth of scar tissue at the site of previous nerve injury that leads to compression of the nerve
What is the injury mechanism that results in Erb’s palsy?
A traction injury due to excessive lateral neck flexion to the contralateral side or excessive shoulder depression causing violent stretching (+/- tearing) of the upper portion of the brachial plexus
What could cause Erb’s palsy?
Falls onto neck/shoulder
Motorcycling accidents
Direct trauma (clavicle fracture, gun shot wound, stab injury)
Attempts to reduce a shoulder dislocation
Traction injury during difficult/obstructed labour (breech with arms above head, shoulder dystopia + emergency forceps)
Excessive traction on the arm e.g. in sports
Where would a patient with Erb’s palsy experience loss of sensation?
The skin over the ‘sergeants patch’, lateral arm, and lateral forearm
In what muscles would you see wasting in a patient with Erb’s palsy?
The deltoid, supraspinatus and the anterior compartment of the arm
Which movements are preserved in patients with Erb’s palsy?
Wrist flexion and extension, and finger movements
Which movements are lost in a patient with Erb’s palsy?
Shoulder abduction
External rotation
Elbow flexion
Wrist supination
Which arm position do patients with Erb’s palsy typically present with?
Waiters tip
Limb adducted , internally rotated shoulder, extended elbow and pronated wrist
What reflex is absent in a patient with Erb’s palsy?
The bicep reflex is absent
What is the location an Erb’s palsy injury?
The superior trunk of the brachial plexus
That affects the suprascapular nerve, the nerve to subclavius, the musculocutaneous nerve and the auxiliary nerve
Is Erb’s palsy an upper brachial plexus injury?
Yes Erb’s palsy is an upper brachial plexus injury (injury to the superior trunk)
Is Klumpke’s palsy an upper brachial plexus injury?
No Klumpke’s palsy is a lower brachial plexus injury
What is the mechanism of injury that leads to Klumpke’s palsy?
A traction injury due to excessive force placed on an abducted shoulder resulting in violent stretching (+/- tearing) of the lower portion of the brachial plexus
What is the site of injury in the brachial plexus that results in Klumpke’s palsy?
The inferior frank of the brachial plexus
Affecting the median and ulnar nerves
Which is the rarest brachial plexus syndrome?
Klumpke’s palsy