Brachial Plexus Course Flashcards
Pierces scalenus medius, descends deep to levator scapulae, and enters the deep surface of the rhomboids
dorsal scapular n.
Descends posterior to C8 and T1 rami and passes distally on external surface of serratus anterior
long thoracic n.
Descends posterior to the clavicle and anterior to the branchial plexus and subclavian artery
nerve to subclavius
Passes laterally across posterior triangle of the neck, through scapular notch under superior transverse scapular ligament
suprascapular n.
Pierces clavipectoral fascia to reach the deep surface of pectoral muscles
lateral pectoral n.
Enters deep surface of coracobrachialis and descends between biceps brachii and brachialis
musculocutaneous n.
Lateral root joins medial root to form median nerve lateral to the axillary artery
median n.
Passes between the axillary artery and vein and enters deep surface of pectoralis minor
medial pectoral n.
Runs along the medial side of axiallary vein and communicates with intercostobrachial nerve
medial cutaneous n. of arm
medial brachial cutaneous
Runs between axillary artery and vein
medial cutaneous n. of forearm
medial antebrachial cutaneous
Passes down medial aspect of arm and runs posterior to medial epicondyle to enter forearm
ulnar n.
Passes posteriorly and enters subscapularis
upper subscapular n.
Arises between upper and lower subscapular nerves and runs inferolaterally along posterior axillary wall to latissimus dorsi
thoracodorsal n.
Passes inferolaterally, deep to subscapular artery and vein, to subscapularis and teres major
lower subscapular n.
Passes to posterior aspect of arm through quadrangular space (which is bounded superiorly by the subscapularis and teres minor) in company with posterior circumflex humeral artery and then winds around surgical neck of humerus; gives rise to lateral brachial cutaneous nerve
axillary n.
Descends posterior to axillary artery; enters radial groove with deep brachial artery to pass between long and medial heads of triceps
radial n.