2 Nerves that form the INFERIOR TRUNK of the Brachial Plexus
Nerves that receive Grey Rami Communicans from Middle Cervical Ganglion of Sympathetic trunck
C8 Ventral Ramus contributes the white ramus to where
Are Supraclavicular branches from Roots/Trunks of the Brachial Plexus
Longus Colli are SUPPLIED by
The nerve to the Phrenic nerve from the C5 Ventral Ramus joins the Phrenic nerve in fronnt of which muscle
Anterior Scales “Scalenus Anterior”
Suprascapular Nerve arises from
Superior trunk of Brachial Plexus
Where does the Suprascapular Nerve enter the Suprspinous Fossa
Inferior to Superior Transverse Scapular Ligament
Lateral Cord of the BP is formed by
Anterior Division of Upper (C5-C6)
& Middle Trunk (C7)
Nerve that SUPPLIES Deep Medial surface of Pectoralis Major
Lateral Pectoral N
Upper Subscapular Nerve is from
Posterior cord C5-C6 Roots
Nerve that SUPPLIES Teres Major
Lower Subscapular Nerve
Borders of the Quadrangular space (Where Axillary N passes)
a. SUPERIORLY- Subscapularis (front) Teres Minor (behind) b. INFERIORLY- Teres Major c. MEDIALLY- Long Head Biceps Brachii d. LATERALLY- Surgical neck of Humerus
Nerve that gives off the Upper Lateral Cutaneuos Nerve of the arm
Posterior branch of Axillary N.
Nerve that PIERCES Coracobrachialis
Musculocutaneous N from LATERAL CORD C5-C7
Lateral Cutaneuos Nerve of forearm is a continuation of
Musculotcutaneous N
SUPPLIES the skin over the half of the ANTERIOR SURFACE OF FOREARM
Lateral Cutaneous N of forearm from Musculocutaneous N
What nerve does the Intercostobrachial Nerve communicate with
Medial cutaneous Nerve of the Forearm
Nerve which arises from 2 chords of the BP
Median Nerve from:
MEDIAL CORD (Anterior Division) C8-T1
Nerve located b/w tendons of Flexor Digitorum Superficialis & Flexor Carpi Radialis
Median Nerve
Nerve that SUPPLIES Flexor Pollicus Longus
Anterior Interosseous Nerve of Median N.
Nerves that give off articular nerve of Elbow Joint (4)
Musculocutaneous N.
Median N.
Ulnar N.
Radial N.
Proximal Radio-Ulnar Joint is SUPPLIED by
Articular branches of Median N
Nerve that SUPPLIES the lateral 3 1/2 digits of the palmar surface of hand
Palmer Cutaneous Digital Nerve of Median N.
Ulnar nerve arises from
Nerve that runs in the groove of the dorsum of the Medial Epicondyle
Ulnar N
The Ulnar Nerve is medial or lateral to the ulnar vessels at proximal end of Flexor Retinaculum
Nerve that SUPPLIES the Palmaris Brevis
Palmar Cutaneous branch of Ulnar N.
Nerve that SUPPLIES the ADDuctor Pollicus
Deep Terminal branches of Ulnar N.
The Deep terminal branch of the Ulnar Nerve SUPPLIES these 3 muscles
ADDuctor Pollicus
ABductor Digiti Minimi
Opponens Digiti
Radial Nerve arises from
Radial Nerve SUPPLIES these muscles (3)
Medial head Trceps Brachii
Anconeus Brevis
Extensor Carpi Radialis
Posterior Interosseous Nerve SUPPLIES these muscles (3)
Extensor Digitorum
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Extensor Indicus
Crutch Paralysis is caused by injury to what nerves
Radial & or Ulnar
Winged Scapula is caused by paralysis of what nerve
Long Thoracic N of Supraclavicular branch of BP C5-C7