BPP Study Manual Chapter 1 Flashcards
When was the Council of Europe formed?
When did the ECHR come into force?
When did the European Coal and Steel Community come into being?
When was the treaty establishing the European Economic Community signed? By who?
- France, Germany, Italy, Benelux
When was Euratom signed?
- European Atomic Energy Community
When did the EEC and Euratom come into being?
When was the EU established? By what?
1992 by the Maastricht Treaty (Treaty on European Union)
What were the three ‘pillars’ of the TEU?
1) the EC, Euratom, and originally, the ECSC
2) cooperation on a Common Foreign and Security Policy
3) Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters
What removed the three pillars of the EU?
The Lisbon Treaty 2010
What are the founding treaties of the EU?
Euratom Treaty
EC Treaty
What were the four amending treaties?
Merger Treaty 1965
Single European Act 1986
Treaty of Amsterdam 1997
Treaty of Nice 2001
What were the main achievements of the Lisbon treaty?
- merge the three pillars of the EU into a single, simpler structure
- replace the many older treaties with one consolidated treaty
- create the European Council
What are the two parts of the Treaty of Lisbon?
The Treaty of European Union (TOTEU)
The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFUE)
What authority provides for the creation of EU regulations, directives and decisions?
Article 288 (TFUE)
How are EU regulations cited?
by number and the year of its adoption:
Regulation 2/1999
How are EU directives cited?
by year of adoption and then by number:
Directive 99/2
How are EU decisions cited?
as with directives, by year then number:
Decision 87/500
(though sometimes by the names of the parties to the decision or by subject matter)