BPH Flashcards
What is BPH?
Enlarged prostate in the absence of malignancy
Can impede passage of urine leaving the bladder
-Growth of prostatic glandular tissue into lumen of urinary tract
-Increased smooth muscle tone of prostatic stroma and at bladder neck
lower urinary tract sxs (LUTS) of BPH?
Weak urinary stream
Urinary hesitancy
Stream intermittency
Post void dribbling
AUA (American Urological Association) Symptom Score
How do pts with BPH present?
Urinary retention
Recurrent urinary tract infections
Hx of cystolithiasis, other urolithiasis
PE for BPH?
GU exam, DRE
What labs should you check for BPH?
What urologic tests can you check for BPH?
Uroflow study—low flow rate
Post void residual – high residual
Cystoscopy—trabeculation, obstructive prostate encroaching into urinary outlet lumen, “kissing lobes”
Urodynamic study (UDS) may be indicated—low flow, elevated intravesical pressures
Elevated intravesical pressure puts… at risk
the kidneys
Tx options for BPH?
Watchful waiting
Lifestyle modification
What are some possible lifestyle modifications for BPH?
avoid fluid intake and diuretics in PM
if leg edema, elevate legs in evening to mobilize and eliminate fluid
Avoid drinks/food that exacerbate sx (caffeine, EtOH, acidic or spicy foods)
double void
avoid pseudoephedrine/ alpha agonists
Caution with anticholinergics: can cause retention
What meds can be used to tx BPH?
Phytotherapy: plant therapy
5-alpha-reductase inhibitors (5-ARI)
MOA of alpha blockers?
Block stimulation of alpha-1 receptors of prostatic stroma and bladder neck
> relaxation of smooth muscle that restricts the flow of urine
> Relaxation allows for freer passage of urine
Examples of Alpha 1 blockers?
Terazosin 1-10 mg
Doxazosin 1-8 mg
Examples of Alpha 1-A blockers?
Tamsulosin 0.4-0.8 mg
Alfuzosin 10 mg
Silodosin 4-8 mg
Alpha 1 blockers v. Alpha 1-A blockers?
Alpha-1-A blockers are more specific in targeting the urinary effects, while avoiding effects on blood pressure and nasal passages
ADEs of Alpha Blockers?
Nasal congestion
hypotension/syncope (rare)
Retrograde ejaculation
Intra-operative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS)- don’t start if cataract surg coming up