BP Chapter 4 Flashcards
What is the Bishop Score?
cervical readiness - 8 points
cervical effacement, consistency, dilation, position, and fetal station
How can you determine if PROM has occurred?
Speculum exam, nitrazine (amniotic fluid is alkaline, turns paper blue), and fern (estrogen causes crystallization)
amniocentesis to inject dye and look for leakage
Amnisure looks for placental alpha micro globulin 1 via immunoassay
100% effacement means
cervix is as thing as adjoining uterus
When should cephalic be used to describe presentation?
head first
vertex when head is flexed
Induction vs augmentation of labor
I - attempt to begin labor in a non laboring patient; prostaglandins, oxytocin agents, mechanical dilation of the cervix, artificial ROM
A - intervening to increase the already present contractions; same indications as I, but also inadequate contractions or a prolonged phase of labor
CIs to prostaglandin use
asthma, glaucoma; prior c/s, nonreassuring fetal testing
Cause of early, late, and variable decels:
early - head compression
late - utter-placental insufficiency
variable - umbilical cord compression
What are the CIs to fetal scalp electrode?
hx of maternal hepatitis or HIV or fetal thrombocytopenia
sinusoidal fetal heart tracing
how much intrauterine pressure is normal? with contractions?
contractions increase this by 20-30mmHg in early labor and 40-60 as labor progresses
What is a Montevideo unit?
average of intrauterine pressures x number of contractions within 10 minutes
What fetal blood pH is reassuring?
greater than 7.25
indeterminate when between 7.2 and 7.25
non reassuring when less than 7.20
What are the cardinal movements of labor?
engagement, descent, flexion, internal rotation, extension, external rotation
During the active phase of stage 1, what dilation is normal?
at least 1cm/hr in nulliparous and 1.2 in multi q
How long should stage 2 of labor last?
considered prolonged is greater than 2hrs in null (3 if epi) ; 1hrs in multi (2 if epi)
In order to use forceps and vacuums, what must be true?
full dilation, ruptured membranes, engaged head and at least +2 station, absolute knowledge of fetal position, no evidence of CPD, adequate anesthesia, empty bladder, experienced operator
What is a rare complication from vacuum use?
subgaleal hemorrhage
more commonly: scalp laceration, cephalohematoma
What device more commonly causes cepahlohematomas? and shoulder dystocia? facial nerve palsy?
a. vacuum
b. forces (also higher rates of 3-4th degree tears)
What are the three signs of placental separation?
cord lengthening, a gush of blood, and uterine fundal rebound
retained placenta is common in
preterm (often previable) devilries
What is injured in the 4 degree tears?
- mucosa or skin
- extend into the perineal body but do not involve the anal sphincter
- extend into or completely through the anal sphincter
- anal mucosa itself is entered
Most common indication for c/s is
failure to progress in labor
to try VBAC, what c/s scar must be present?
Kerr (low transverse incision) or Kronig (low vertical incision)
When is an epidural Cath usually placed?
b/t L3-L4 usually not until also is deemed to be in the active phase
Spinal anesthesia provides anesthesia over a region similar to that of an epidural, but differs in that it
is given in a one-time dose directly into the spinal canal leading to more rapid onset of anesthesia.