Boxes and Short Streets 121.17 Flashcards
Box 7117
1703 32nd st Nw
Dumbarton oaks research collection and library
Route: left on M st, left on 22nd st, left on Q st, right on 31st street, left on R st, right on 32nd to the box
Box 3222
717 Madison pl Nw
U.S. court of federal claims
Route: right on M st,left on 23rd st, into Washington circle, right on Pennsylvania Ave, left on Madison Pl to the box
Desales street
Boundaries: from Connecticut ave to 17th st, between L and M st
Route: right on M st, left on 23rd, left on L st, left on Connecticut ave, right on desales st
Columbia rd
Boundaries: east from the 1900 block of Connecticut ave
Route: left on m st, left on 22nd st, right on Florida ave, left on Connecticut ave, to Columbia road
Box 345
22nd st and Newport place Nw
Route: left on M st, left on 22nd st to the box
Box 3141
320 21st st Nw
(State department east)
Route: right on M st, left on 23rd st, into Washington circle, right on Pennsylvania Ave, right on 21st street to the box
East place
Boundaries: from 27th to a dead end east of 26th st, between P and Q st
Route: left on M st, left on 22nd, left on Q st, left on 27th st, to east place
Box 82
Connecticut and Wyoming ave Nw
Route: left on M st, left on 22nd st, right on Florida ave, left on Connecticut ave to the box
Cliffbourne terrace
Boundaries: from biltmore st to calvert st between Adams mill rd and 19th st
Route: left on M st, left on 22nd st, right on Florida ave, left on Connecticut ave, right on Columbia rd, left on biltmore st cliffbourne terrace
Dent place
Boundaries: from 33rd to 35th st, between Q st and reservoir rd
Route: right on M st, right on Wisconsin ave, left on Q st, right on 33rd to dent place
Box 7515
4460 MacArthur blvd Nw
Physiatric institute of Washington
Route: right on M st, into canal rd, right on foxhall rd, left on MacArthur blvd to box
Box 725
26th and P st Nw
(Jerusalem Baptist church 2600 P st)
Route: left on M st, left on 22nd st, left on P st to the box
Box 73
Wisconsin ave and Volta place
Route: right on M st, right on Wisconsin ave to the box
Box 343
1700 Massachusetts ave Nw
( the embassy of Peru)
Route: left on M st, left on New Hampshire ave, into DuPont circle, right on Massachusetts ave to the box
Box 8269
2200 California st Nw
Route: left on M st, left on 22nd st, right on Florida ave, left on S st, right on Phelps pl to the box