Bowlby's monotropic theory Flashcards
What did Bowlby suggest and attachment?
That it was innate for survival. (evolutionary function)
What are social releasers?
When the baby smiles, coos and grips to encourage attention from the adult.
What is Bowlby monotony theory?
That infants form one main attachment that provide and internal working model.
What does Bowlby say the critical period is for humans?
2 1/2 -3 yrs
What are the two principles for Monotropy?
Continuity = the more constant and predictable the child’s care is the better.
Accumulated separation = ‘the safe dose is therefore zero dose’
Describe the two weaknesses to Bowlby’s theory.
MULTIPLE ATTACHMENTS: multiple attachments in previous research seems to be normal for babies.
ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATIONS: Kagan’s Temperament Hypothesis
innate temperamental characteristics make babies ‘easy’ or ‘difficult’ which has a impact of the attachment between mother and infant
Describe the strengths with Bowlby’s Monotropic theory.
SUPPORT FOR THE INTERNAL WORKING MODEL: Bailey et al assessed 99 mothers with 1yr old babies and looked at their quality of attachment using a standard interview, they assessed the babies using observation.
“ HAZAN AND SHAVER: published a love quiz in a american newspaper that looked at previous attachments and their current romantic ones.